Research Paper Details and Writing a Proposal English 099: MLA Research Essay Assignment 1. What steps do you need to follow to do an MLA research Essay? You will create an outline, write a rough draft of your essay, and add research information to create a final copy of the essay using the MLA (Modern Language Association) style for listing citations. It is important that you do not copy research information from other writers and pretend that you wrote it (this is cheating and will be a zero mark for the essay). The academic skill you want to learn is to add other writers’ information into your essay by doing a paraphrase or summary as well as listing your sources in the works cited list so that you give proper credit to other writers in your essay. 2. How many sources do I need for my research essay? You must find 5 different sources of information to add strength to your research essay. You can put the 5 pieces of information either as an opener, supporting detail, or in the conclusion. *ALL of the sources are paraphrases or summaries ONLY. * Furthermore, ALL of the sources are web-based newspaper or magazine articles You must cite the information from other writers in the following way (this is called an in-text citation) if the information came from a writer with the Joan Franks and from page 56 of his book (Frank 56). A) As an opener in paragraph one without naming the author using a pararphrase: What is the best way to get a good mark on an essay? What aspects do great essays have in common with each other? According to one authority, it is regardless of whether or not you are required to conduct research, it is the heart of the essay should be from your own ideas (Frank 56). Therefore, the elements of a great essay require originality……………………….. B) As supporting detail in paragraph two by naming the author using a summary: In the first place, great essays require people to be as original as they possibly can. Frank stated, that it is not the searching for information but that the spirit of the essay should come from the self. (56). One of the best ways to be original is to start…. C) As part of the conclusion in the last paragraph by naming the author using a paraphrase: In conclusion, great essay require much work with special focus on being original, interesting, and honest. According to Frank, it is important that the core of a research essay is written in one’s own words (56). If people want to become great essay writers, they should try to read as many great essays first before they try their hands at writing. 3. What is the Works Cited page? It is the last page for the essay and it shows your 5 sources which you used in your essay. You should write the source using the MLA Handbook 8th edition as a guide for the following book: Frank, Joan. Term Paper Secrets. Adams Media, 1998. 4. What is my first step and when is it due? Please submit a typed outline. You need to make changes to any areas which are highlighted by your instructor. Only use 12 size Times New Roman font and double space! 5. What is my second step and when is it due? Write a rough draft of page 1 and the Works Cited page. You should have one source from other writers to give strength to your essay in paragraph one. You may use information from books, journals, newspapers, and the Internet, but you must cite all sources that you use. Submit only page one and the Works Cited page which shows your 5 source material. 6. What is my last step and when is it due? Submit a final copy of a 5 paragraph essay of 500 550 words. This is worth 10% marks. (due July 7, 2020 which is close to the last day of online classes). Be sure to use your own words, paraphrase those of the author’s, or cite them correctly. List 5 citations (one in each of the 5 paragraphs) in correct MLA format at the end of the essay. If you fail to cite references correctly, it is plagiarism and will result in a zero for this assignment. Just one sentence which is not your own words but the words that you copy from another writer without a citation, you will get zero! The main point of this assignment is to read what other experts write and then quote or use your own words to repeat this information. Learning good citation skills will help you write correct university essays in the future. 7. The essay must be typed (12 size font in Times New Roman set at double space) in proper MLA style. Make sure you have your family name and page number at the top right corner of each page. 8. Do not use Wikipedia or any other Wiki type website as a citation because they are only an on-line encyclopedia (a big dictionary source). You may use it to find out some basic background information first before you continue with more specific research. The best sources come from university professors because they are the experts in their area of study. Next are professional writers for newspapers or magazines. No blogs or Twitter. 9. The evaluation for this essay is the following: 10% of the total course mark. 10. This is your research essay topic which is written in MLA essay style: Recent developments have had a positive influence on the health of the world's population. Discuss why you agree or disagree with this topic. Your thesis should state your position, and give three ideas why this is true. Today you should write a proposal like this: MLA Details: Proposal *Title……………………. not the topic. Be creative! *I. Introduction A. Set the context and explain why the topic is important: x 5 key words. B. State the thesis: ONE sentence *II. Body 1 Write the topic sentence: A. Build points: example x3 key words B. Develop ideas: sample x3 key words C. Support the main claim: support x3 k. w. (Source) Body 2 Write the topic sentence: A. Build points: example x3 k.w. B. Develop ideas: sample x3 k.w C. Support the main claim: support x3 k.w. (Source) Body 3 Write the topic sentence: A. Build points: example x3 k.w. B. Develop ideas: sample x3 k.w. C. Support the main claim: support x3 k.w. (Source) Body 4? *III. Conclusion A. Reemphasize the main idea x5 k.w. B. Restate the thesis in different words.