Requirements:1.One page, single spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. (approximately 700 words)2.This is a critical summary, meaning you must use your own words for the majority of the assignment....

1 answer below »
Requirements:1.One page, single spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. (approximately 700 words)2.This is a critical summary, meaning you must use your own words for the majority of the assignment. Maximum 1 quotation.3.Use course material, such as slides, newspaper articles, and videos. You are not to conduct extra research or use other sources. Use all of the course material for the week.4.CITE. You must cite all materials so it is clear what sources you are using for the summary. You may choose the citation style, whether it is APA or MLA.
Introduce the topic

Summarize some of the issues related to the topicdo not user any outside source and write in your own words and do not directly quote from slides or sources
use all the articles and slide material alsoprovide in text citation write after using the material in the paragraph by providing authors last name
Link 1 3 4

Answered Same DayNov 28, 2021

Answer To: Requirements:1.One page, single spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. (approximately 700...

Bidusha answered on Nov 28 2021
133 Votes
Last Name:    2
Title: Digital Government
Critical Summary
    Governments have implemented Digital Government Services in a more impo
rtant and widespread manner as a result of the development of technology and its widespread usage. Government security, on the other hand, must be prioritised. When using Digital Government services, a variety of methods are employed to give a level of protection and assure security. Digital Government Services are vulnerable to a multitude of risks. Social media, for example, is one of them. Vandalism on the internet. "Properly addressing privacy security and trust is a vital prerequisite for trustworthy legal safeguards, reliable technology, and secure business, as well as obtaining public acceptability in the journey towards effective e-government."
    The USCIS is one site that offers significant advanced support. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) give data on movement and citizenship and behaviours a few computerised administrations. Moreover, the migrant populace is the main interest group. The data given to USCIS would be named incredibly touchy under the FIPS 199 model. The Internet and online media Cyber defacing are some of the dangers that Digital Government Services face. This is because digital defacement is a relentless risk to advanced taxpayer-driven organisations, and digital hoodlums may hold onto control of an administration office's computerized support and mislead individuals.
The advanced government stage was planned by the Office of Citizens Services and Innovative Technologies to assist offices with offering computerised...

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