Part A i)
First, allocate these resources to the tasks as stated below (where ‘NE’ means Network
Engineer, ‘M’ means Manager … and so on):
Next, using your common sense (and differently from every other student), allocate at
least one of the resources to each of the sub tasks as you consider appropriate. Do not add
resources to top level summary tasks or milestones (though you may wish to add various
fixed costs to these later).
For example, sub tasks that involve installation of software will require Software Installers,
sub tasks which involve writing or reviewing manuals will involve the Technical Author, etc.
Some sub tasks may need more than one resource. Do not feel that you have to use all of the
resources listed.
(Note: Your mark will ignore the relevance, or otherwise, of your allocations.)
It is likely that some resource clashes will occur. Part A ii)
In part A i) above, you were given an initial supply of resources. Now that you have made
your allocation of staff to tasks you should reconsider this allocation.
1. Find the minimum level of resources required for your project in order that it is still
possible for all tasks to start at their earliest event times. Explain how you achieve this
and give suitable evidence to show that it has been achieved.
2. Find the minimum number of network engineers that can be allocated without
delaying the current project finish date. Again, explain and give evidence.
Explain also why this knowledge may be important to the effective management of yourproject
Leave the number of resources at the level found in part A ii) 1. for the rest of your work.
i) Where will your new calendar be used in Project? Carefully explain any change in the
project finish date and explain why it is useful to reset the baseline. Show some clear
evidence that your dates have been changed to non working days.
Add the fixed costs as specified above. Describe carefully how each fixed costs is allocated
within the programme and how much each adds to total cost. Provide evidence of these
Note: When you add in fixed costs make sure they do not change the duration of tasks.
Part D:
What is meant by the term tracking? Why is it necessary to track a project?
Track through this project for tasks 9 to 13 inclusive making any assumptions about actual
durations and/or costs you like. Have at least three tasks where either the duration or the cost
(or both) were different from your baseline figure(s).
Explain carefully the variances you introduce for each of the tasks and carefully document the
impact on costs and durations in your project for each task.
Provide some print out which demonstrates that tracking has occurred at task level and shows
any cost and/or time variances so created.