Required information For a bolted assembly with 19 bolts, the stiffness of each bolt is kp = 1.O MN/mm and the stiffness of the members is km= 2.6 MN/mm per bolt. The bolts are preloaded to 75 percent...

Determine the yielding factor of safety, the overload factor of safety, the factor of safety based on joint seperation, and factor of safety using the goodman criterion.

Thank you, in advance!!

Required information<br>For a bolted assembly with 19 bolts, the stiffness of each bolt is kp = 1.O MN/mm and the stiffness of the members is km=<br>2.6 MN/mm per bolt. The bolts are preloaded to 75 percent of proof stiffness. Assume the external load is equally<br>distributed to all bolts. The bolts are M6 x 1 class 5.8 with rolled threads. A fluctuating load is applied to the entire joint<br>with Wmax = 60 kN and Wmin = 20 kN. The bolt diameter is d= 6 mm.<br>

Extracted text: Required information For a bolted assembly with 19 bolts, the stiffness of each bolt is kp = 1.O MN/mm and the stiffness of the members is km= 2.6 MN/mm per bolt. The bolts are preloaded to 75 percent of proof stiffness. Assume the external load is equally distributed to all bolts. The bolts are M6 x 1 class 5.8 with rolled threads. A fluctuating load is applied to the entire joint with Wmax = 60 kN and Wmin = 20 kN. The bolt diameter is d= 6 mm.

Jun 11, 2022

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