Reproduce , except this time allow enough space to add
a point labeled 0 in the lower left-hand corner and a point labeled 8 in the
upper right-hand corner, with a gap separating these points from the first
and last oriented segments, respectively. Shorten segments 1–7, and add the
labeling as .
a. Project all ia and ib onto the y3 axis. (Each point should be separated
from its neighbors by a space because the segments were shortened above.)
Connect adjacent points with broken lines, except for points belonging to
the same line segment.
b. Using solid line segments, connect the ends of segments 1-7 in the order
of appearance in x (i.e., connect ib to (i + 1)a, etc.), and project these
solid line segments as arcs onto the y3 axis.
c. Compare the results of parts a and b of this problem with the graph that
you drew. Are they the same (except for the lengths of
edges connecting the points)?