Report 1000 words “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians experience disproportionately high levels of diabetes. Throughout their lifetime Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

Report 1000 words “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians experience disproportionately high levels of diabetes.  Throughout their lifetime Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are three times more likely to develop  diabetes than non-Indigenous Australians." Burrow, S. & Ride, K. (2016) Review of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Retrieved  from the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. Retrieved [04/01/2017] from  para 1 Research and write a report which demonstrates your understanding of this condition, its effects, and the contemporary understandings and best practice management which are currently being implemented. The Report should include the following; l Brief explanation of the 3 major types of diabetes. l Description of the risk factors for developing  diabetes. l Compare and contrast the statistics relating to the incidence and prevalence of  diabetes in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia and compare with non-Indigenous Australians. Consider the range of historical, social and physical  factors. l Select one current successful treatment  program and explain why it has been effective. This report must include a minimum of four references. I have attached required readings for your easy reference.

Oct 07, 2019

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