related to the digital case analysis (you should try to limit slides to no more than 2 slides per question). You should prepare visual material to accompany each of your responses such as dot points,...

    • related to the digital case analysis (you should try to limit slides to no more than 2 slides per question). You should prepare visual material to accompany each of your responses such as dot points, flow diagrams, and/or images. References and in-text citations should be provided. To promote Academic Integrity, it is very important that you do not copy information directly from a source; you must paraphrase the information into your own words and personalise that information to the case scenario.

    • The last slide is used to contain your reference list.

The key to attaining high marks in this assessment piece is to justify your responses. That is, you need to demonstrate to the reader what information contained within the case study led you to the diagnoses and/or conclusions that you have drawn.

Sep 22, 2023

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