REL 150Fall 2016Directions for Essay One: Compare and Contrasta Concept in Hinduism and BuddhismEssay one is a compare and contrast essay on Hinduism and Buddhism. In this essay, you will:In what ways are Hinduism and Buddhismâs understanding of gods (andsimilar supernatural beings [e.g. celestial buddhas and bodhisattvas]) similarand different? Compare and contrast their role and importance (or lack thereof)in Buddhism and Hinduism in connection to paths to escaping samsara.In composing your paper, you MUST utilize and cite your textbook. Use your textbook as a source to helpconstruct and support your arguments regarding the above topic. In addition to the textbook, you may alsoutilize and cite class lectures. As in any academic essay, all sources should be properly cited in your paper.Your essay should be on-topic, well-organized, and structured according to either a point-by-point or subjectby-subject format, as described at the following website: Please note that this is not a summary essay; it is a compare and contrast essay. This meansyou need to do more than just describe concepts related to the above topic; you must utilize thesedescriptions to make direct comparisons and contrasts in your essay. In other words, it is your job as theauthor to directly tell your reader how the above topic is different and how it is similar in Hinduism andBuddhism.The essay should be written in Times New Roman font, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and bebetween 700-1000 words. You should include the final word count for your essay on the last page of youressay.This paper is worth 45 points. It is due Monday, October 17Each student must submit TWO (2) copies of his or her essay: One you will submit via SafeAssign in Blackboard Learnbefore the scheduled class time on October 17. The other copy you will deliver personally into the hands of theteaching assistant at the beginning of class on October 17. Both copies must be submitted for you to receive credit forthe assignment. Late submissions will lose five percent (half of a letter grade) of their possible score for every 48 hoursthat they are late. There will be no exceptions to this policy (except for medical problems or family emergencies thatprevent completion of the paper on time). How to Cite Sources in your Essay:You can only use required reading and classroom lectures in your essay which have been utilized in thecourse. Whether you are paraphrasing or quoting, all sources that you utilize in your essay should beproperly cited by the guidelines below. Note, since everyone is utilizing the same sources, the rules are not asstrict as they would be for a research paperCiting from the textbook: The textbook should be cited by âBroddâ + a comma + page number. Example:(Brodd, 67) = Brodd, page 67.Citing from the lectures: Lectures used should by cited by âLectureâ or âLec.â + comma + date inparentheses. For example, (Lec., 9/16) and (Lecture, 9/16) both work and they both refer to the classroomlecture given on September 16.BibliographyA bibliography is not required for this essay. 1of 1
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