BUS 2302-E1 XXXXXXXXXXProblem Set #1 XXXXXXXXXXFlorida TechBUS 5421-E1 XXXXXXXXXXRegression Guide ...

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BUS 2302-E1 Problem Set #1 Florida Tech BUS 5421-E1 Regression Guide Due Date: 11/30/22 OUTLINE FOR GROUP PPT • Introduction a. Explain the inspiration/genesis of your research query. b. Carefully describe the research question you wish to pursue. c. Explain why you believe it is important query to explore. • Market Data a. Describe the industry or market. b. Explain what data you will need. c. Detail the data you will use … primary vs. secondary, what sources. • The Model a. Describe and detail your Model Y = a + b(X1) + c(X2) + … z(Xn) b. Is your model linear or log-linear? Why? c. Explain the theoretical or rational reasons why you’ve included the variables you’ve included. • Results a. Insert and describe your results. b. Explain the various statistical tests you’ve employed to validate your results. • Discussion a. Assess your Model – did you answer the research question you set out to examine? b. Describe how you could improve your model – what could you do different? • Appendix a. Insert your data. b. Insert your sources (bibliography). MGR ECON PRESENTATION – GRADE GUIDELINE Regression Project (12-15 minutes) • Introduction Explain the inspiration/genesis of your research query. Carefully describe the research question you wish to pursue. Explain why you believe it is important query to explore. 11 12 13 14 15 • Market Data Describe the industry or market. Explain what data you will need. Detail the data you will use … primary vs. secondary, what sources. 11 12 13 14 15 • The Model Describe and detail your Model: Y = a + b(X1) + c(X2) + … z(Xn) Is your model linear or log-linear? Why? Explain the theoretical/rational reasons why you’ve included the variables you’ve included. 16 17 18 19 20 • Results Insert and describe your results. Explain the various statistical tests you’ve employed to validate your results. 21 22 23 24 25 • Discussion Assess your Model – did you answer the research question you set out to examine? Describe how you could improve your model – what could you do different? 16 17 18 19 20 • Appendix Insert your data. Insert your sources (bibliography). 1 2 3 4 5 Group Name: ______________________________ Total Score: ________
Answered 3 days AfterNov 26, 2022

Answer To: BUS 2302-E1 XXXXXXXXXXProblem Set #1 XXXXXXXXXXFlorida Tech...

Komalavalli answered on Nov 29 2022
47 Votes
Slide 1
The red wine sector has lately undergone exponential expansion due to increased societal consumption. Product certi
fication is used by industry participants to market their products.
This is a time-consuming and costly technique that necessitates expert judgment.
The red wine sector has lately undergone exponential expansion due to increased societal consumption. Product certification is used by industry participants to market their products. This is a time-consuming and costly technique that necessitates expert judgment. Furthermore, the price of red wine is dictated by wine enthusiasts' fairly abstract conceptions of wine enjoyment, which can vary greatly. Physical and chemical control, which is performed in a laboratory and takes into consideration qualities such as pH, acidity, sugar, and quality, is another important component in wine certification and measurement. chemical amount.
b. The red wine market would be intriguing if human taste traits could be connected to wine chemical features, allowing for more control over certification and quality assurance processes.
It would be intriguing if human taste traits could be connected to wine chemical features, allowing for more control over certification and quality assurance processes.
The goal of this project was to identify which qualities were the best predictors of red wine quality and to generate data for each of...

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