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Parul answered on Mar 31 2021
Agile Project Management
Agile Project Management
Reflection on the Roles of Agile in Teams
We live in most dynamic times of the century where there are multiple disruptions taking place every second in the market. Indeed, change is the only constant that businesses thrive today believes and only prospective to advance in future (Babb, J., Hoda, R., & Nørbjerg, J., 2014). Today, organizations have tremendous choices to select their employees from the pool of students graduating every year. Therefore, companies instead of recruiting any individual from market prefer to recruit candidate who is driven towards excelling in life and ready to challenges that comes along with businesses. As rightly said, "Ambition is the first step to success. The second step is the action". As it is rightly said, it is not sufficient to simply to experience in order to learn new things. Instead, it is all the more important to reflect on the experience else we tend to forget and miss out important learnings in the process. Appling Gibs learning cycle here, to comprehend the thoughts and feelings which emerges from the reflections (Gibbs, G., 1988).
Understanding of an Agile Team and How Participants work together
Today we live in one of the most competitive business environments, where business is transforming the way they perform business. They need to be perhaps more flexible and act faster in order to achieve their targets. As leaders strategizes future of their organization, they rely more on flexible yet dynamic ways of working. With the advent of rapid development and penetration of technology to the deepest level in market, employees today are offered flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. Gone are those days where employees had to be chained to their desk with a monitor in order to be productive. Agile ways working is primarily based on the principle the work is an activity rather than a place. Essentially, agile working is all about collaborating with people across boundaries, processes, connectivity as well as technology, time and place. All of them come together to bring out most effective way in order to carry out particular project. Perhaps, it is working conducted within guidelines of the work but without the boundaries of place or how one achieves it. Agile ways of working are very powerful since it empowers the members of the team as well as organization to work with full autonomy and freedom. Members of the team are given the task to be completed considering all the critical guidelines and checklist, however, they are given full autonomy to work where, when and howsoever they want to complete the task. Agile ways of working create an ecosystem where all the team members collaborate and contribute their best efforts without wasting time and energy in managing non-productive variables. I strongly believe that in present business scenario with pandemic spreading all across the globe, agile ways working have proved to be extremely beneficial for project management (Babb, J., Hoda, R., & Nørbjerg, J., 2014).
My Feelings: How does Agile Ways of Working makes me feel
Agile team are a cross-functional set of people that specializes in their domain and collaborate to produce quality results for the business. I feel that agile ways of working are one of the best ways to produce outcome and minimize the office politics which is rampant in the corporates. I found it simple yet sophisticated. It not only provides flexibility to the employees while allowing them to focus only on the work but also enables the managers to have great access and control over their projects (CIPD., 2014). The best part of working in agile environment and team is the fact that it concentrates energy in delivery nothing but results which automatically certifies quality.
Positives and Negatives of working together as an agile group
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