Reflection,Discussion and Presentation Youshould form groups of 4 and carry out a brief research to find answers for thefollowing questions. One member from each group should present the answers...

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Reflection, Discussion and Presentation

You should form groups of 4 and carry out a brief research to find answers for the following questions. One member from each group should present the answers to the whole class.

01) Artificial intelligence


Cost induction using AI...How??


No it
a problem??


Understanding the data better using AI...How??

02) Emerging Technologies in e-Business


What is e-business? Give some examples.


What is e-commerce? Explain the difference between e-commerce and e-business.


Discuss different types of e-commerce models.


List and discuss some future e-business trends.


Mention three emerging technologies that would impact e-business in future.


Illustrate the business benefits of the abovementioned emerging technologies.

03)Applications of Blockchain in e-Business


What is a Cryptocurrency? What are advantages of using Cryptocurrencies?


What is a Smart Contract? What are benefits of using Smart Contracts?


How can Blockchain help a business to manage its supply chain?


Describe the utilities of using Blockchain in asset management.


How can Blockchain be utilised to protect copyrights?

04) AI and Deep Learning in e-Business


What is customer segmentation and how does it benefit a business?


Explain the difference between collaborative and content-based filtering?


Why does machine learning based churn prediction perform better than handcrafted rule based churn prediction?


Explain how machine learning based churn prediction works.


What is demand forecasting and how does it help a business save money?

Answered 1 days AfterAug 31, 2022

Answer To: Reflection,Discussion and Presentation Youshould form groups of 4 and carry out a brief research...

Amit answered on Aug 31 2022
70 Votes
Title of the assignment:
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Date: 9/1/2022
Table of Contents
1.    Task 1: Artificial Intelligence    3
1.    3
2.    3
3.    3
2.    Task 2: Emerging Technologies in e-Business    4
4.    4
5.    4
6.    4
7.    4
8.    5
9.    5
3.    Task 3: Applications of Block chain in e-Business    
10.    6
11.    6
12.    6
13.    7
14.    7
4.    Task 4: AI and Deep Learning in e-Business    7
15.    7
16.    8
17.    8
18.    8
19.    9
1. Task 1: Artificial Intelligence
The implementation cost of AI is very high on initial bases ($5000 to $2000) but because of automated intensive processes implementation, this cost can be reduced and required quality can be maintained. The widely defined use cases can also help in cost induction for AI implementation. The abilities of predictive maintenance, maximum ROI and very few chances of human factor are other things which defines in cost implementation.
The " emotions" does not mean that machines will start weeping so "no emotion" means hear is to understand human emotions. Yes, it is true that in current era of AI, there are very limited emotions which can e understood by the AI systems. Not having emotions is not a big problem for AI applications but when the AI application is working according to human emotions, then, it can lead to problems of understandings and observations.
The collective and parallel processing of hundreds of data resources can be done with help of AI based system and all required predictions can be obtained. By processing large or small size database with AI system, the discovery of new insights, outcome observations of market, predictions for the business, analysis of customer demands, unify analysis and forecasting of possible demands can be done with tools like Adobe analytics, Google analytics, Invoca etc.
2. Task 2: Emerging Technologies in e-Business
The business or business activities which are carried out with help of internet, intranet, or extranets are commonly referred as e-business. The complete operational execution like buying and selling or ordering any of the required services is done with help of web. E-businesses maintaining a platform for their users where all operations can be executed. E-bay, Amazon, Flipcart etc. are good example of e-business.
The web based service execution which is used for fund transferring, buy/sell required products with financial transactions is referred as e-commerce. The basic difference in e-commerce and E-business is that e-commerce performs activities like customer support, inclusion of accounting applications, taxpaying, online transactions, online services like ticketing while E-business includes activities like E-marketing, setup of store, business transactions etc.
There are different types of ecommerce models like C2C, D2C, C2B, B2G, B2B2C, B2B and B2C where B stands for business, C stands for consumer and D stands for direct. Based on the requirement of the business activity, the selection of required ecommerce model can be done by the company. The implementation of more than one business model can also be done by the company based on the operational requirements of the business operations.

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