Reflect upon your speech(see the attachment) to an apathetic or uninformed audience by answering the following questions in a few sentences each.
What are two things you think you did well during this speech (this can be in your presentation or in how you wrote your speech).What are two things you think you could improve upon?How will you work to improve upon one of these things in the future?What was one thing one of your classmates did that you would like the emulate?
Speech 1.docx 1 Radical Islamic terrorism: Speech The terrorist world of today is more complex and challenging than ever. For this reason, counterterrorism for this Administration remains a top priority. Radical Islamist terrorist organizations that aim to commit attacks worldwide, violate our borders, radicalize and attract future radicals within the United States and abroad are our greatest terrorist enemies. Violence is often used by terrorists inspired by other types of terrorism to endanger the homeland and threaten U.S. interests. In several ways, these terrorist threats vary, but they also aim to use violence to overthrow the U.S. and threaten the American way of life. The ideology of ruling by fear is conventional and it always keeps the scholars engaged in understanding the various standpoints of terrorism. After 9/11, a well-structured response is given by America to counter terrorism and targeted violence both. The topic is of great interest to me because I personally think that terrorism should be abolished from the world and peace based on human efforts should prevail. That’s why the topic makes me tempted to research the impacts that the US has found over itself in the aftermath of the 9/11. What makes these discussion important remains intact in the fact that Terrorism has become a dangerous threat to all countries across the globe in this modern world as it can cause devastating casualties and economic effects in all of the countries. The term terrorism is described as premeditated, politically motivated violence committed by sub national groups or covert agents against non-combatant targets, typically intended to impact an audience. Terrorism is essentially an act by terrorists to turn a message through violence or destruction, such as an ideological, religious or political item. The more damaging it is, the more viewers they're going to get. Thus, if they can manipulate individuals around the world to accomplish the aims or objectives, terrorists would be greatly improved. Furthermore, there are variables that have led other persons to enter and the implications of terrorism. People are destroyed by terrorist attacks on the market, as human tragedies happen most of the time. Out of fear, as terrorism could strike anytime and anywhere and ultimately bring down the economy, many people did not want to take the risk of starting a company. In addition, for most firms, the costs covering the security purposes were a burden as they could reduce the price of the stock, leading to dissatisfaction from the stockholders. Today, terrorism is an act that is a sudden, unprovoked, solely barbaric assault on innocent civilians, killing a number of people in a crowded market or rally. Many of the terrorist attacks have had a political motive that has now become very widespread since the 9/11 assault. The idea now seems to be to generate fear and hysteria, and mainly to get attention through the news and print media on television. The terrorists used this particular form of extremism as the only way to achieve political reform. On the other hand, Globalization and the increased influence of the United States and other Western countries also tend to be intertwined. This has added to the resentments of that part of the world’s people. This rise in terrorism is thus clarified by greater advances, shifts in the international political system, and the spread of globalization across the world. In the context of seeing the global responses to terrorism, the governments have taken the issue on priority. For example, after the 9/11 invasion, the American government took some landmark decisions in order to make sure that the ideology of terror is nipped in the bud. The formation of DHS is one of such moves. The agency works in collaboration with FBI and any other investigative body so that the national response against terrorism is made. There is a structural defense mechanism with which, the American administration has stood before this social evil. What makes this response even more subtle than ever is the covering of the various types and dimensions of terrorism. Initially, terrorism stood for the violence against one community or against a set of nations that oppose the idea of racial superiority and believe in the international harmony and peace. When almost all nations—except the ones who support the radical Islamic terrorism—appeared together and formed alliance to justify the conceptual framework of counterterrorism, the targeted violence became the new face of terrorism. In this ideology, the spread of violence is targeted within the community. The vulnerable minds within the community, particularly the teenagers are targeted to make this venture successful. For example, the American societies are now a complicated mix of ethnic groups and several religions and cultural beliefs; people across globe come and get the best employment opportunities, seeing America as the bowel of opportunities to be successful and to be secured. In this context, to break the social harmony from within—since it’s not possible to break it from outside due to the existence of agencies like DHS who work hard to trace malicious activities—the activities based on terror stem from internal sources. These sources do not act directly as terrorist groups, instead, they function like some radical and religious communities whose goal is to make people ignited with the controversial thoughts. Communal riots are becoming one of the major sources of targeted violence. Racial discrimination is used to make this doctrine as effective as possible. Therefore, by taking pre-cautionary measures against terrorism are not enough, if they cover the nation from outside threats only. The time is now. God's blessing on you, your work, and all who will benefit from it. Godspeed and thank you very much. SpeechOutline.docx Speech Outline 1. Speech Purpose · To demonstrate an understanding of the concept of terrorism and its effects. 2. Your Target Audience (be specific) · The audience will be the common people of America. 3. Hypothetical speech location · New York 4. Thesis statement. · Terrorism is driven from the idea of spreading fear through violence; it affects the social, political and economical aspects of global society and it must be seen as the biggest hindrance to the progressive outlooks. 5. Preview of points. · Terrorism is based on the concept of some kind of racial superiority. 6. Transition Statements · There are various aspects of terrorism like communal violence as well as targeted attacks. 7. Where you are using your sources (cite parenthetically in APA style). · The world has seen various impacts so far over the economy and social governance. 8. A bibliography of your sources in APA style. · Evidences prove that terrorism has made the world feel the disturbance as well as the problems that are obsolete but still, they are encouraged to exist through the ideology of fear.