Answer To: Microsoft Word - Assessment Task 3 quality instruction Assessment Task 3 – Essay This assessment...
Soumi answered on May 21 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Reflecting on Clinical Governance to Mitigate Risk and Create Safe Culture in Healthcare Settings 3
Appraisal and Critical Analysis 6
Changes required for improvement 8
Conclusion 9
References 11
The old aged people with complications and in requirement of long-term care and treatments are overly dependent on the nursing homes. These are hospital like facilities providing care and treatments to the old people for long-term. However, the objective of the nursing homes is failing to satisfy the people and the ones staying in there due to various reasons that are to be discussed further. The qualifications and the adequate facilities required in such facilities and institutions are very crucial for their performance and operations.
Without those, the care and treatment provided would be of no use and satisfaction levels of the people would fall for sure. The old people need support and companion for all the time due to their growing complications and requirements of the body and brain altogether due to age. Nevertheless, these kinds of care availability in the nursing homes are the matter of question in the minds of the people who are seeing the requirement of it sue to medical complications with their parents or family members.
Hence, to know the true scenario about these nursing homes, a lot of investigations and reviews are being held, various doctors have consulted the various nurses working in those nursing homes for old people and finally have tried to bring out the actual scenario of what is actually happening in those nursing homes.
Reflecting on Clinical Governance to Mitigate Risk and Create Safe Culture in Healthcare Settings
The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard (NSQHS) are a set of regulatory standards that help in the proper ethical and ideal way of functioning for the healthcare industry of Australia. The NSQHS set ten standards, out of which clinical governance is the first one (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2012). It states that if any healthcare organisation wants to implement quality healthcare service standards in their set-up, then there should be a governance of it. This is known as the clinical governance and the Standard I is called “Governance for Safety and Quality in Health Service Organisations”.
Hence, the need for having a quality framework is identified under this standard and healthcare organisations are urged to identify the vulnerable areas of practices that can indicate the need of the implementation of safe systems (Clinical Guidelines, 2019). From this concept, the definition of clinical governance has emerged as the way of improving and maintaining the quality of the care provided to the patients in a systematic manner in the healthcare settings. As mentioned by Galloway (2018), it is the framework that is responsible for continuous improvement of the service quality by maintaining high quality of health care services and creating an excellent health care environment everywhere.
The nursing homes are the last resort for the families to put their old parents or family members in such facilities when they require extensive care for long-term and medical observations for 24 hrs. Nevertheless, I have assessed that if they find that the treatment or care that is being provided in such institutions are not up to the mark or is causing harassment for the people staying there, then that is a serious issue to be dealt with. The family as well as the people of the institutions are at fault. Firstly, the family, because when the family members are growing old, it is the responsibility of the children of theirs to take care of the person and make sure he or she is completely taken good care at their home.
On the other hand, I believe that the fault of those nursing homes is that if they are promising the people to provide extensive care for the old members of their family, then they should keep up to their promises. As noted by Chambers, Rogers and Boath (2016), the nurses and the attendants working in those facilities must have proper knowledge and training about how to care about the old people and manage them properly without them feeling abused mentally or physically. There have been lot of wrong treatments with the old people in the nursing homes by the nurses and the attendants working there for year after year and there are very few cases, which we come to know.
Most of the children send their parents to such nursing homes and feel that their responsibility is over, without even contacting him or her and asking them about their wellbeing and the treatment and care, the nursing homes are providing. Hence, they do not get to know the scenario inside those facilities, which their parents are facing and going through every day for years after years.
The role of clinical governance is realised through the help of certain norms under this standard that play the crucial role of ensuring that a thorough governance, or also referred to as check, is performed in order to monitor if quality standards are being maintained or not. For that reason, various aspects under the standard of clinical governance can be evident in a healthcare organisation, such as open disclosure, code of practice, leadership and management style, risk management...