Reflect on your skills and strengths and your community’s needs and resources. What are your personal and professional goals for working with people with disabilities? Describe the rehabilitation...

Reflect on your skills and strengths and your community’s needs and resources. What are your personal and professional goals for working with people with disabilities? Describe the rehabilitation counseling settings you are interested in working and how you will achieve this goal.

1. In terms of family relationships: “Tell us how you see the relationship between your sister and your mother.”

2. In terms of specific interactive behaviors: “When your father gets mad at Bill, what does your mother do?”

3. In terms of differences in behavior: “Who gets most upset when Jimmy wets the bed, your father or your mother?”

4. In terms of ranking by various members of the family of a behavior or interaction: “Who is closest to your grandmother? Who is next, and next?”

May 18, 2022

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