Reflect on your practicum project and potential conflicts that may occur. Research conflict management plan content and formats. Select a format and begin to develop a conflict management plan (due in...

Reflect on your practicum project and potential conflicts that may occur. Research conflict management plan content and formats. Select a format and begin to develop a conflict management plan (due in Week 6). The conflict management plan must include the following: Describe the role of conflict in change management. Analyze the role of negotiation in change management. Analyze the role of the manager/leader with respect to conflict and negotiation. Critique the role of power in conflict, negotiation, and communication. Examine helpful and not so helpful aspects of conflict in the change process. Identify potential conflicts that may arise related to your practicum project. Determine how you plan to deal with any conflicts that may arise. My topic: Strategies to Cut Down Health Care Cost by Physician by not Ordering Unnecessary Tests.

Oct 07, 2019

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