Reflect on the following question: How important to economic growth is the constraint of market power through antitrust legislation? How much market power is too much for a firm to enjoy? How is...

  1. Reflect on the following question:

  2. How important to economic growth is the constraint of market power through antitrust legislation? How much market power is too much for a firm to enjoy? How is market power best measured?

  3. Using the Discusstool, post a brief summary of your thoughts regarding the question above

  4. Review the Discussion Guide and the Sample Resources documents

  5. Read the March/April 2016 article in
    Foreign Affairs
    by Lawrence Summers entitled “The Age of Secular Stagnation: What It Is and What Can We Do About It?” (a link to the article is provided in the Discussion Guide)

  6. Identify any terms that you believe need definition or fuller explanation to assist in understanding the discussion in the article

  7. Seek preliminary definitions at an online glossary of economic terms, such as:

  8. http://wwweconomistcom/economics-a-to-zhttps://wwwstlouisfedorg/education/glossaryhttp://wwwconferenceboardca/topics/economics/economic-termsaspx

  9. http://wwweconedlinkorg/economic-resources/glossaryphp

May 15, 2022

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