Reduce the number of keywords and phrases from the file named hard_skills.txt. The goal here is try to reduce them to minimal numbers, right now there are too many and most are irrelevant and...

1 answer below ยป
Reduce the number of keywords and phrases from the file named hard_skills.txt. The goal here is try to reduce them to minimal numbers, right now there are too many and most are irrelevant and repeating.
Approach #1 Try using countvectorizer in sckit-learn and set hyperparameter (n-gram) to perhaps 1-3

Approach #2, use word2vec on converting words into vectors, observe similar words to known keywords such as "python" or "financial accounting"

Please write a program in jupyter notebook to complete this assignment and submit both the script and the new keywords list output in a txt file.
Answered 2 days AfterJan 20, 2021

Answer To: Reduce the number of keywords and phrases from the file named hard_skills.txt. The goal here is try...

Neha answered on Jan 23 2021
136 Votes
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Every feature:\n",
"['10', '2003', '2008', '3d', '5g', '60', '66', 'aap', 'abm', 'aca', 'academia', 'acceptance', 'accepted', 'access', 'account', 'accountability', 'accountancy', 'accounting', 'accounts', 'accuracy', 'accurate', 'achievement', 'acquisition', 'acquisitions', 'acrobat', 'act', 'activations', 'active', 'activities', 'actuators', 'acumen', 'ad', 'ada', 'adjudication', 'admin', 'administration', 'administrative', 'administrator', 'admissions', 'adobe', 'adoption', 'ads', 'adult', 'advanced', 'advertisement', 'advertising', 'advice', 'advisory', 'advocacy', 'adwords', 'aed', 'aerospace', 'affairs', 'affiliate', 'affinity', 'agencies', 'agency', 'agile', 'agreements', 'aid', 'air', 'airport', 'ajax', 'algebra', 'algorithms', 'alliance', 'allocation', 'alt', 'alteryx', 'ami', 'aml', 'amplifiers', 'analyses', 'analysis', 'analytical', 'analytics', 'analyze', 'analyzing', 'anatomy', 'android', 'angular', 'annual', 'ansible', 'answer', 'answering', 'ansys', 'anti', 'antivirus', 'aop', 'apac', 'apache', 'api', 'apis', 'app', 'application', 'applications', 'appointments', 'appraisal', 'appraisals', 'apps', 'aptitude', 'arabic', 'arbitration', 'archicad', 'architect', 'architectural', 'architecture', 'architectures', 'area', 'ariba', 'arrangements', 'arts', 'as400', 'asana', 'aseptic', 'asian', 'asic', 'asp', 'assemblies', 'assembly', 'assessment', 'assessments', 'asset', 'assets', 'assurance', 'assure', 'atg', 'ats', 'attribution', 'audience', 'audiences', 'audio', 'audit', 'auditing', 'audits', 'autocad', 'automated', 'automation', 'avaya', 'aviation', 'avionics', 'awareness', 'azure', 'b2b', 'b2c', 'backbone', 'backup', 'baking', 'balance', 'balancer', 'bank', 'banking', 'banner', 'base', 'basecamp', 'bash', 'basic', 'behavioral', 'belt', 'benchmark', 'benchmarking', 'benefit', 'best', 'beverage', 'bgp', 'bi', 'big', 'bilingual', 'billing', 'bing', 'biological', 'black', 'blackberry', 'board', 'boarding', 'bom', 'bomgar', 'bookkeeping', 'books', 'brand', 'branding', 'briefs', 'broadcast', 'browsers', 'budget', 'budgeting', 'budgets', 'build', 'building', 'business', 'buying', 'cac', 'cad', 'cadence', 'cae', 'calculations', 'calculus', 'calendar', 'calibration', 'california', 'calling', 'calls', 'cam', 'campaign', 'campaigns', 'cantonese', 'capabilities', 'capacity', 'capital', 'cardiology', 'cardiovascular', 'cards', 'care', 'career', 'cas', 'case', 'cases', 'cash', 'catalyst', 'category', 'catering', 'cause', 'cc', 'ccie', 'ccna', 'ccnp', 'cctv', 'cdn', 'center', 'centos', 'certificate', 'certification', 'certified', 'cfa', 'chain', 'change', 'channel', 'channels', 'checkpoint', 'chemical', 'chemicals', 'chemistry', 'child', 'chinese', 'chrome', 'circuit', 'circuits', 'cis', 'cisa', 'cisco', 'cism', 'cissp', 'citrix', 'civil', 'claims', 'clearance', 'clerical', 'client', 'clients', 'climate', 'clinical', 'close', 'closeout', 'closing', 'cloud', 'cm', 'cma', 'cms', 'coaching', 'cobit', 'cobol', 'coding', 'cognos', 'cold', 'collaboration', 'collection', 'com', 'commerce', 'commercial', 'commercialization', 'communication', 'communications', 'community', 'company', 'compensation', 'competitive', 'complaints', 'complex', 'compliance', 'comptia', 'computation', 'computer', 'computing', 'concept', 'concepts', 'concierge', 'conditions', 'conduct', 'conducting', 'configuration', 'conflicts', 'construction', 'consultative', 'consulting', 'consumer', 'consumers', 'contact', 'content', 'continuity', 'continuous', 'contract', 'contracts', 'control', 'controls', 'conversion', 'coordinate', 'coordination', 'copy', 'copyediting', 'copying', 'copywriting', 'core', 'corporate', 'correspondence', 'cost', 'costing', 'counsel', 'counseling', 'cpc', 'cpg', 'cpt',
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'researching', 'residential', 'resolving', 'resource', 'resources', 'respa', 'respiratory', 'response', 'responsive', 'restful', 'restructuring', 'results', 'retail', 'retention', 'return', 'returns', 'revenue', 'review', 'reviews', 'rewards', 'rfi', 'rfis', 'rfp', 'rfps', 'rfq', 'rfqs', 'rhce', 'rich', 'rights', 'risk', 'risks', 'rma', 'roadmap', 'roi', 'romanian', 'root', 'router', 'routers', 'routine', 'routing', 'rstp', 'ruby', 'rules', 'russian', 's3', 'saas', 'sabre', 'safeguarding', 'safety', 'sales', 'salesforce', 'sample', 'sap', 'sarbanes', 'sas', 'satellite', 'scada', 'scale', 'scaled', 'sccm', 'scenario', 'schedules', 'scheduling', 'scheme', 'school', 'sci', 'science', 'sciences', 'scorm', 'scrap', 'screening', 'scripting', 'scrum', 'sdlc', 'search', 'sec', 'secrecy', 'secretarial', 'security', 'segment', 'segmentation', 'sell', 'selling', 'sem', 'semiconductor', 'senior', 'sensitive', 'sensitivity', 'seo', 'sequencing', 'series', 'server', 'servers', 'service', 'servicenow', 'services', 'servicing', 'sets', 'shared', 'sharepoint', 'sharing', 'sheet', 'shell', 'shopping', 'shows', 'sigma', 'simulink', 'site', 'sitecore', 'skill', 'skills', 'skype', 'sla', 'small', 'smartphones', 'smb', 'sme', 'sms', 'smt', 'smtp', 'soa', 'soap', 'social', 'sociology', 'software', 'soldering', 'solidworks', 'solutions', 'sops', 'source', 'sources', 'sourcing', 'southern', 'sow', 'sox', 'speaking', 'special', 'specification', 'specifications', 'specs', 'speech', 'spelling', 'spending', 'sphr', 'spiceworks', 'splunk', 'sports', 'spreadsheets', 'spss', 'sql', 'ssas', 'ssis', 'ssl', 'ssrs', 'staff', 'staffing', 'stakeholder', 'stakeholders', 'standard', 'standardization', 'standards', 'start', 'startup', 'state', 'statement', 'statements', 'static', 'statistical', 'statistics', 'status', 'statutory', 'storage', 'store', 'stories', 'storm', 'storytelling', 'strategic', 'strategies', 'strategy', 'streams', 'strong', 'structure', 'structured', 'structures', 'studies', 'style', 'sub', 'subcontractor', 'subsystems', 'subversion', 'success', 'suite', 'supervising', 'supervisory', 'supplier', 'suppliers', 'supplies', 'supply', 'support', 'survey', 'swedish', 'swift', 'switches', 'switching', 'syndicated', 'synthesis', 'sys', 'systems', 'tableau', 'tables', 'tablets', 'tactical', 'talent', 'target', 'targets', 'tasks', 'tax', 'taxonomy', 'tcl', 'tcp', 'tcpdump', 'tdd', 'teaching', 'team', 'technical', 'technique', 'techniques', 'technologies', 'technology', 'telecom', 'telecommunications', 'telemarketing', 'telephone', 'terminology', 'terraform', 'territory', 'test', 'testing', 'tfs', 'thai', 'therapeutic', 'therapy', 'thermodynamics', 'thinker', 'thinking', 'time', 'timekeeping', 'title', 'tomcat', 'tools', 'tracking', 'trade', 'tradeshow', 'trading', 'train', 'training', 'transactional', 'transactions', 'transcription', 'transfer', 'transformation', 'transition', 'translate', 'transport', 'transportation', 'travel', 'treatment', 'trello', 'trend', 'trends', 'trial', 'troubleshoot', 'troubleshooting', 'tuning', 'tv', 'twitter', 'typing', 'uat', 'ubuntu', 'ui', 'underwriting', 'unit', 'unity', 'unix', 'ups', 'upsell', 'urban', 'usability', 'use', 'user', 'ux', 'v3', 'valid', 'value', 'variance', 'variances', 'vba', 'vehicle', 'vendor', 'vendors', 'verbal', 'version', 'vertical', 'video', 'vii', 'virtualization', 'virus', 'visio', 'visual', 'visualization', 'visuals', 'vlans', 'vlookup', 'vmware', 'voip', 'volume', 'vpn', 'wan', 'warehouse', 'warehousing', 'wastewater', 'water', 'waterfall', 'wealth', 'web', 'webinars', 'website', 'websphere', 'white', 'whmis', 'windows', 'wins', 'wireframes', 'wireframing', 'wireshark', 'wiring', 'word', 'wordpress', 'work', 'workday', 'workers', 'workflow', 'workflows', 'workforce', 'workstation', 'worth', 'wpm', 'write', 'writer', 'writing', 'xamarin', 'xml', 'xp', 'youtube', 'zendesk', 'zoom']\n",
"Every 3rd feature:\n",
"['10', '3d', '66', 'aca', 'accepted', 'accountability', 'accounts', 'achievement', 'acrobat', 'active', 'acumen', 'adjudication', 'administrative', 'adobe', 'adult', 'advertising', 'advocacy', 'aerospace', 'affinity', 'agile', 'air', 'algebra', 'allocation', 'ami', 'analyses', 'analytics', 'anatomy', 'annual', 'answering', 'antivirus', 'apache', 'app', 'appointments', 'apps', 'arbitration', 'architectural', 'area', 'arts', 'aseptic', 'asp', 'assessment', 'assets', 'atg', 'audience', 'audit', 'autocad', 'avaya', 'awareness', 'b2c', 'baking', 'bank', 'base', 'basic', 'benchmark', 'best', 'bi', 'billing', 'black', 'boarding', 'bookkeeping', 'branding', 'browsers', 'budgets', 'business', 'cad', 'calculations', 'calibration', 'calls', 'campaigns', 'capacity', 'cardiovascular', 'career', 'cases', 'category', 'cc', 'ccnp', 'center', 'certification', 'chain', 'channels', 'chemicals', 'chinese', 'circuits', 'cisco', 'citrix', 'clearance', 'clients', 'close', 'cloud', 'cms', 'cobol', 'cold', 'com', 'commercialization', 'community', 'competitive', 'compliance', 'computer', 'concepts', 'conduct', 'conflicts', 'consulting', 'contact', 'continuous', 'control', 'coordinate', 'copyediting', 'core', 'cost', 'counseling', 'cpt', 'creation', 'credit', 'crisis', 'cross', 'csp', 'cucm', 'custom', 'cut', 'czech', 'database', 'datasets', 'deadlines', 'debug', 'delegate', 'department', 'deposits', 'design', 'detection', 'device', 'dfm', 'diagnostics', 'diligence', 'directing', 'disaster', 'display', 'divestitures', 'dnv', 'document', 'documents', 'drawings', 'drivers', 'dutch', 'dynamics', 'ebitda', 'ecommerce', 'economics', 'editorial', 'education', 'effectiveness', 'elearning', 'electronics', 'email', 'emc', 'emerging', 'employment', 'end', 'engagement', 'engineering', 'ensure', 'entomology', 'entry', 'enzyme', 'equity', 'escalations', 'estate', 'etl', 'evaluation', 'events', 'excellence', 'execute', 'expense', 'experimenting', 'explorer', 'external', 'facebook', 'facility', 'facts', 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'learning', 'legal', 'levels', 'life', 'line', 'lisp', 'lms', 'local', 'loss', 'lua', 'machine', 'macros', 'mailchimp', 'maintains', 'making', 'manager', 'mandarin', 'mapping', 'marketo', 'mat', 'math', 'matrix', 'mdm', 'mechanics', 'medical', 'meditech', 'meets', 'merchandising', 'messaging', 'methodology', 'microelectronics', 'middle', 'military', 'minutes', 'mobile', 'modeling', 'mongodb', 'monthly', 'mpa', 'mrp', 'msd', 'multilingual', 'myhr', 'national', 'nebosh', 'negotiation', 'netsuite', 'networks', 'newsletter', 'nginx', 'nosql', 'nt', 'nursing', 'objects', 'offline', 'omniture', 'online', 'open', 'operational', 'optimization', 'order', 'ordinator', 'organizational', 'oriented', 'osha', 'ott', 'outlook', 'outsourcing', 'pages', 'partner', 'partnership', 'patent', 'payable', 'payroll', 'peoplesoft', 'perl', 'petrochemical', 'pharmacies', 'phone', 'photoshop', 'physical', 'pinterest', 'pivot', 'planning', 'platform', 'pleadings', 'pmi', 'policy', 'portuguese', 'postgres', 'power', 'ppc', 'pr', 'pre', 'preparation', 'presales', 'presentations', 'pricing', 'print', 'privacy', 'problem', 'procedures', 'processing', 'production', 'profiling', 'programing', 'programming', 'progressive', 'projects', 'property', 'proposition', 'protocols', 'provide', 'proxy', 'publication', 'puppet', 'python', 'qsr', 'quantitative', 'quick', 'radiology', 'rally', 'raw', 'react', 'receivable', 'reconcile', 'record', 'recovery', 'recruitment', 'reduction', 'regional', 'regulatory', 'relational', 'relationships', 'remarketing', 'report', 'requests', 'research', 'resolving', 'respa', 'responsive', 'results', 'return', 'review', 'rfi', 'rfps', 'rhce', 'risk', 'roadmap', 'root', 'routine', 'ruby', 's3', 'safeguarding', 'salesforce', 'sarbanes', 'scada', 'sccm', 'scheduling', 'sci', 'scorm', 'scripting', 'search', 'secretarial', 'segmentation', 'sem', 'sensitive', 'sequencing', 'servers', 'services', 'shared', 'sheet', 'shows', 'site', 'skills', 'small', 'sme', 'smtp', 'social', 'soldering', 'sops', 'sourcing', 'sox', 'specification', 'speech', 'sphr', 'sports', 'sql', 'ssl', 'staffing', 'standard', 'start', 'statement', 'statistical', 'statutory', 'stories', 'strategic', 'streams', 'structured', 'style', 'subsystems', 'suite', 'supplier', 'supply', 'swedish', 'switching', 'sys', 'tables', 'talent', 'tasks', 'tcl', 'tdd', 'technical', 'technologies', 'telecommunications', 'terminology', 'test', 'thai', 'thermodynamics', 'time', 'tomcat', 'trade', 'train', 'transactions', 'transformation', 'transport', 'treatment', 'trends', 'troubleshooting', 'twitter', 'ubuntu', 'unit', 'ups', 'usability', 'ux', 'value', 'vba', 'vendors', 'vertical', 'virtualization', 'visual', 'vlans', 'voip', 'wan', 'wastewater', 'wealth', 'website', 'whmis', 'wireframes', 'wiring', 'work', 'workflow', 'workstation', 'write', 'xamarin', 'youtube']\n"
"source": [
"f = open(\"hardskills.txt\", \"r\")\n",
"content =\n",
"content_list = content.split(\" \")\n",
"count_vec = CountVectorizer(stop_words=\"english\", analyzer='word', \n",
" ngram_range=(1, 1), max_df=1.0, min_df=1, max_features=None)\n",
"# Transforms the data into a bag of words\n",
"count_train =\n",
"bag_of_words = count_vec.transform(content_list)\n",
"# Print the first 10 features of the count_vec\n",
"print(\"Every feature:\\n{}\".format(count_vec.get_feature_names()))\n",
"print(\"\\nEvery 3rd feature:\\n{}\".format(count_vec.get_feature_names()[::3]))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Vocabulary size: 1566\n",
"Vocabulary content:\n",
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