Recreational Class Schedule Database
Recreational activities include things such as aerobics, shuffle board, and swimming. Each activity is identified
by an activity code and includes other information such as description. Classes are offered for each activity. A
class is uniquely identified by a combination of activity code and day/time. It is assumed that a specific class
will never be offered for the same activity at the same day and time although it could be offered on a different
day and/or time. Other information about a class includes the enrolment limit and current enrolment count. A
class will never include more than one activity. A passenger can sign up for a class as long as there is sufficient
room in the class. Passengers are identified by a unique passenger number. Other information stored about
passengers include name, address, and age. Passengers have no limit on the number and type of classes they
can sign up for. When they do sign up for a class, they are asked their experience level which is used to help set
the degree of difficulty for the class. A passenger may have different experience levels depending on the
activity being offered by the class.