Reconciliation Imagine a river dividing into two powerful streams of water that flow away from one another. Now picture those same two streams turning and heading back toward each other. When they...

1. When is reconciliation possible? When is it impossible?

Reconciliation<br>Imagine a river dividing into two powerful<br>streams of water that flow away from one<br>another. Now picture those same two<br>streams turning and heading back toward<br>each other. When they come into contact, the<br>result will be dangerous, destructive turbu-<br>lence. Neither stream will be able to continue<br>smoothly on its course. We can use this<br>image to describe our lives when something<br>happens to put us in conflict with another<br>person. Our anger, frustration and hatred<br>cause destructive currents in our lives and<br>relationships. We need reconciliation.<br>The word reconciliation comes from words<br>meaning

Extracted text: Reconciliation Imagine a river dividing into two powerful streams of water that flow away from one another. Now picture those same two streams turning and heading back toward each other. When they come into contact, the result will be dangerous, destructive turbu- lence. Neither stream will be able to continue smoothly on its course. We can use this image to describe our lives when something happens to put us in conflict with another person. Our anger, frustration and hatred cause destructive currents in our lives and relationships. We need reconciliation. The word reconciliation comes from words meaning "flow together again."When peo- ple are reconciled with one another, they are able to live in harmony. Their lives are no longer pushing in opposite directions and creating dangerous turbulence. This type of reconciliation can happen only if two elements are present: conversion and forgiveness. Conversion is a change of heart and a reorientation of one's life. It is the responsi- bility of every person who has done some- thing wrong. Forgiveness is a willingness to let go of the desire for revenge and instead seek what is truly best for the person being forgiven. It is the responsibility of everyone who has been hurt. Äll of us are called by God to do all we can to build healthy and loving relationships with those around us. This applies to new relationships, to ongo- ing relationships and to relationships that need to be repaired. Broken relationships, sin, conversion, for- giveness and forgiving can all change a per- son. If the break in a relationship was seri- ous and the people involved have changed in a major way, reconciliation cannot make the relationship what it was before. It can only make a new phase of the relationship possible.
Jun 09, 2022

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