PowerPoint Presentation CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships ‹#› 1 Objectives Understand and identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities. Understand...

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PowerPoint Presentation CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships ‹#› 1 Objectives Understand and identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities. Understand and develop collaborative strategies. Learn how to work collaboratively. Develop skills to represent your organisation. Understand how to establish, maintain and enhance networks and collaborative partnerships. Gain the skills and knowledge required to complete this unit. CHCPRP001 2 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 2 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Evaluate the ways in which individual and organisation performance may be improved through collaboration. CHCPRP001 3 379543138 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 3 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Collaboration Collaboration is defined the action of working with others to produce a mutual goal. This is commonplace within many Community Services environments, where it applies to colleagues working together informally or formally. Successful collaboration leads to mutual advantage for both parties with conjoined resources supporting key goals. CHCPRP001 4 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 4 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Benefits of collaboration Financial savings. More confidence in outcomes. Efficient use of resources. Wider geographical spread and reach. Sharing of best practice. Sharing knowledge. A co-ordinated approach to client needs. Supports ongoing future work between organisations. CHCPRP001 5 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 5 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Use of Technology Modern technology (email, webinar, cloud sites, videoconferencing, podcasting) helps to create working environments supporting collaboration. This has dramatically expanded the possibilities for collaboration across organisations, communities, nations and world wide. CHCPRP001 6 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 6 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Identify and prioritise organisation and individual needs. CHCPRP001 7 379543138 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 7 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Collaborative needs A need for collaboration is invoked by an initiative you or your organisations cannot achieve alone. Examples include: agencies lacking the staff to complete a particular project, staff challenges in their work. The applied skills and knowledge of the collaborative team provides ideas, resources, plans and energy to overcome challenges. CHCPRP001 8 379543138 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 8 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Identify gaps in networks and collaborative practice and identify required action to fill the gap. CHCPRP001 9 379543138 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 9 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Networking needs Networking needs depend on your role in the organisation you work for and the organisation. It is undertaken to gain and share information and contact groups who can assist with the organisation’s goals. Your networks can be relevant to your work role, organisation’s priorities, client needs or future projects. CHCPRP001 10 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 10 Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities Networking needs Reasons for networking: Making contacts. Opportunities and advice. Sharing experiences. Sharing problem solving approaches with others. Discussing and representing a topical issue. Ensuring your industry sector currency through involvement with high performing and well informed networks. CHCPRP001 11 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 11 Develop collaboration strategies Gather and review information about relevant services, organisations and key people. CHCPRP001 12 520580212 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 12 Develop collaboration strategies Researching Appropriate Networks Gather information through: websites (agency or departmental websites, LinkedIn, networking and peak body websites) networks and meetings and conferences (e.g. a mental health or child protection network) agency information (publically available or by request) developing an informal network. CHCPRP001 13 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 13 Develop collaboration strategies Reviewing information Consider: Will the potential collaboration assist me or the organisation? What can we offer the network to support the activities? Will collaborations have success? What time and fiscal resources are required? CHCPRP001 14 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 14 Develop collaboration strategies Pro-actively initiate relationships with other inter- and intra-sectoral professionals and organisations. CHCPRP001 15 520580212 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 15 Develop collaboration strategies Initiating Professional Relationships Initiating relationships is essential to collaboration. This is called networking and supports the development of contacts into working relationships. Professional communication is essential to develop interest in your ideas and a rapport with potential stakeholders. CHCPRP001 16 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 16 Develop collaboration strategies Participation in Networks Maintain activity by: attending seminars attending conferences attending network meetings personally contacting professionals to engage joining a professional association offering to lead activities where appropriate. CHCPRP001 17 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 17 Develop collaboration strategies Share information and resources, where possible, with other organisations to overcome duplication in service delivery. CHCPRP001 18 520580212 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 18 Develop collaboration strategies Duplication of Activities Duplication wastes resources and time. It can be common in large organisations with cumbersome communication processes or high staff turnover and in small organisations where previous activity is not realised by current staff. Before commencing a new project, consider if a similar project has been completed before. CHCPRP001 19 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 19 Develop collaboration strategies Maintain currency and accessibility of information. CHCPRP001 20 520580212 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 20 Develop collaboration strategies Updating information Materials and information for networking must be current and relevant to activities. Regularly review the organisation's sources and check that the data and other analytical information is the latest version. Ensure you share any updates with the network in case other agencies are using less than current information. CHCPRP001 21 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 21 Develop collaboration strategies Define and document the type and level of collaboration and negotiate with the relevant people. CHCPRP001 22 520580212 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 22 Develop collaboration strategies Recording Collaboration It is important to record what support you have given them and for how long. This will also be contact record of when you last communicated. Record the next contact date, tasks to be completed and future obligations. Ensure all tasks relating to the collaboration are prepared in advance of the next contact. CHCPRP001 23 250582228 / rtbilder / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 23 Develop collaboration strategies Collaboration in Action CHCPRP001 24 MethodContent PhoneSpoke to Jane (Parenting Program); meeting scheduled 22.05.17. Jane to send electronic and hard copies of brochures for our distribution. EmailSent brochures as requested to all networks. Have organised community development officer to take brochures to educators meeting 10.05.17. MeetingPresented documents to meeting. 12 schools to distribute with newsletters. PhoneJane phone to advise on attendees and noted program was now full and another one scheduled for September 2017. www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 24 Develop collaboration strategies Negotiate Identify how much support your agency can give, and clarify this with the appropriate person(s) to ensure clarity. Clearly establish: what is expected of each party (time, resources including staff input and skills) preparation or planning time special requirements (e.g. schedules or deadlines). CHCPRP001 25 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 25 Work collaboratively Identify opportunities that meet client, personal and organisational goals. CHCPRP001 26 171910892 / Robert Kneschke / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 26 Work collaboratively Identify opportunities Once networking and collaboration has begun, you will likely see further opportunity to work on mutual goals. This requires: knowing the goals of other agencies understanding future directions of your organisation analytical thinking and planning awareness of industry sector key events, trends and resultant opportunities. CHCPRP001 27 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 27 Work collaboratively Liaise with staff from relevant organisations on a formal and informal basis. CHCPRP001 28 171910892 / Robert Kneschke / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 28 Work collaboratively Planning projects After identifying the collaborative opportunity comes the planning stage. This may be more complex as you are formally joining forces and collaborating with another organisation, meaning responsibilities, project intelligence and resources are shared. Tools need to be accessed and project plans developed and shared so it is clear what is expected at all stages of implementation. Reflect: What project planning template or tool does your organisation use? CHCPRP001 29 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 29 Work collaboratively Sample - Gantt charts A Gantt chart is a visual representation of a project schedule that shows participants what is to be done when. Project planning tools are essential to keep activities on track, up to date and reportable. CHCPRP001 30 W/C 8thW/C 15thW/C 22ndW/C 29thW/C 6th Briefing       Writing      Distribution       www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 30 Work collaboratively Challenges in collaboration Be aware of the following and use effective negotiating and problem solving skills to establish solutions as soon as possible. Unfair divisions of labour. Overt or covert conflict. Over-collaboration. Inequitable resourcing. Different working styles. CHCPRP001 31 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 31 Work collaboratively Plan and implement integrated projects and service delivery. CHCPRP001 32 171910892 / Robert Kneschke / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 32 Work collaboratively Types of Collaborative Meetings Scheduled meetings with other members of the project will be documented on the project planning tool. It is essential that these communications occur. CHCPRP001 33 Formal meetingsInformal Planned on the project planCan arise due to issues Planned formal agenda, Chair and representativesNo formal agenda or the topics are issues at hand Minutes taken and circulated Notes and actions may be taken. Pre-planned place, time and length.Held at the most suitable time to resolve matters. www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 33 Represent the organisation Promote a positive image of the organisation at available opportunities. CHCPRP001 34 526016782 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 34 Represent the organisation Your Professionalism Maintain the same level of professionalism at networking events as you do with all work colleagues. Remember your business strategy and objectives for the event. Have specific, measurable goals in mind. Be helpful, not overly familiar. Leave a positive impression. CHCPRP001 35 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 35 Represent the organisation Communicate issues, policies and practices of the organisation in appropriate formats. CHCPRP001 36 526016782 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 36 Represent the organisation Communicating issues When representing your organisation, you need to communicate information about your work to ensure successful collaborations. This may include projects being undertaken, stakeholders, processes, funding and timeframes. CHCPRP001 37 www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 37 Represent the organisation Implement confidentiality measures that protect client, organisation and network. CHCPRP001 38 526016782 / Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com www.tafeqld.edu.au ‹#› 38 Represent the organisation Confidentiality Confidentiality is required by law in many Community Services Industry Sector activities. The privacy of organisation and client records is important. Failure to maintain privacy of client records is a legal matter – ensure you adhere to your organisation’s
Answered Same DayApr 26, 2021CHCGRP001Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: PowerPoint Presentation CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships ‹#› 1...

Tanaya answered on May 04 2021
163 Votes
Assessment Task
- Written
    Student Name
    Kayla Vu
    Student Number
    Unit Code/s & Name/s
    CHCDEV002 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in community work and services
    Assessment Type
    Assessment Name
    Workbook Activities
    Assessment Task No.
    Assessment Due Date
    Date submitted
    Assessor Name
    Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I under
stand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
    Student Signature
    PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: TAFE Queensland is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of TAFE Queensland. Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or its successor and/or TAFE Queensland for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required by law.
Instructions to Student
    General Instructions:
Use the CHCDEV002 Learner Guide to assist with answering of questions. Some questions may require internet research.
These tasks will test your understanding of the content that you have just read and how it applies to professional practice in the human services.
Information / Materials provided:
A PowerPoint presentation summarising key points relevant to the assessment question is provided in the Supplementary Resources section on Connect for this unit.
Assessment questions are provided.
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:
Identify major social and cultural institutions in Australian society and explained their functions.
Explain how institutions impact on individuals, their families and the community.
Identify the consequences of inequality on individuals, their families and the community.
Identify impacts of long-term unemployment and associated issues on clients as individuals and as family members.
Outline the factors associated with age and possible impacts with individuals, family members and the community.
Use available information to identify and analyse social and cultural factors impacting on individual clients, groups or communities.
Clarify current health and wellbeing and associated needs for individual clients, groups or communities.
Identify how informed decisions can impact on individuals, their families and the community.
Provide examples of capacity to monitor the quality of work undertaken consistent with job role and organisational policy and procedures.
Review effectiveness and if required revised work undertaken to address the impacts of social and cultural factors impacting on individuals, their families and the community.
    Number of Attempts:
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
    Submission details
    Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission.
Assessment to be submitted via
TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect url: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/login
Username; 9 digit student number
For Password: Reset password go to https://passwordreset.tafeqld.edu.au/default.aspx
    Instructions for the Assessor
    Benchmarked responses have been provided for each of these tasks. Students need to demonstrate that they have understood the concepts discussed in the Learner Guide.
    Note to Student
    An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.
Workbook Activities
Activity 1A
Objective: To identify major social and cultural institutions in Australian society and societal functions.
Activity: Complete the following.
1. Identify and explain the purpose of five (5) major social and cultural institutions, that influence people’s lives in Australia. (50 words for each). Use the table below to record your answers.
    Social and cultural institutions
    Aged Care System
    Aged care or Ageing Support as it is becomingly more widely known in Australia provides support for everyday activities for people who are ageing and who may require support.There are variety of age care services that available such as homecare support, residental care, respite care and post-hospital care.
    Education System
    Australia has a tiered education system which varies slightly between States and Territories. During a significant part of a young Australian’s education, schooling is compulsory.
    Health Care System
    Australia has a health care system called Medicare which is funded by the government and tax payers who contribute to the cost of Medicare through a percentage of their income. Medicare provides free or subsidised medical treatment from many practitioners including General Practitioners, Medical Specialists and Optometrists. Medicare also provides quality treatment in hospitals.
    Legal System
    Australia, Laws are...

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