Rearrange the following lines of code 4.12: Application: Random Numbers and SimulationsE zyBooks cataCheckFeedback?PARTICIPATION4.12.3: Simulate the picking of a random playing...

Rearrange the following lines of codeA<br>CSC 1350: Computer Science I for Majors<br><br>ter Science I for Majors home > 4.12: Application: Random Numbers and Simulations<br>E zyBooks cata<br>Check<br>Feedback?<br>PARTICIPATION<br>4.12.3: Simulate the picking of a random playing card.<br>АCTIVITY<br>Rearrange the following lines of code to simulate the picking of a random playing card. Assume that Card.rank(n) produces a<br>String

Extracted text: A CSC 1350: Computer Science I for Majors ter Science I for Majors home > 4.12: Application: Random Numbers and Simulations E zyBooks cata Check Feedback? PARTICIPATION 4.12.3: Simulate the picking of a random playing card. АCTIVITY Rearrange the following lines of code to simulate the picking of a random playing card. Assume that Card.rank(n) produces a String "Ace", "Two", .., "Queen", "King" if n is 1, 2, .., 12, 13, and Card.suit(n) produces a String "Clubs", "Diamonds","Hearts", or "Spades" if n is 0, 1,2, or 3. Not all lines are useful. ZyMath.random( ) is used instead of Math.random) so that the tests are reproducible. n = (int)(ZyMath.random () * 4 + 1); n = (int) (ZyMath.random ( ) * 4); import java.util.Scanner; public class PickRandomCard n = (int) (ZyMath.random ( ) * 4) + 1; public static void main (String[] args) Scanner in = new Scanner (; ZyMath.srand(in.nextInt()); int n; String card; card = card +" of " + Card.suit(n); card = Card.suit(n); card = Card.rank(n); n = (int)(ZyMath.random () * 5); n = (int) (ZyMath.random ( ) * 13) + 1; n = (int) (ZyMath.random ( ) * 13); System.out.println(card); Check Feedback? Simulating Die Tosses In actual applications, you need to transform the output from the random number generator into different ranges. For example, to simulate the throw of a die, you need random integers between 1 and 6. MacBook PrO
Jun 11, 2022

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