Readings-Topics for Article Review Intermediate Macroeconomics ECOS2002 Semester 2, 2013 You must choose one of the following four readings to write an article review for the assignment. Your review...


for Article Review


Macroeconomics ECOS2002


2, 2013

You must choose one of the following four readings to

write an article review for

the assignment. Your review should focus on the topic which the article is

primarily concerned with. Remember the word limit for the review (not counting

bibliography) is 800 words so you need to be concise and focus on what you

consider to be most important. Harvard style referencing and always reference

if you utilise other sources.

Article Review

The purpose of an article review is to provide a summary and evaluation of a piece of

writing. When a lecturer reads an article review written by a student, they want to see

evidence that the student has not only understood the topic of the article, but is able to

evaluate the article in relation to their own knowledge of the topic and other relevant

knowledge in the field.


The Debate on Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation: How

Robust is the Evidence?




paper critically examines the key empirical evidence used to support the fiscal

consolidation argument, complemented by a brief assessment of the limitations

of the analytical foundation of the growth promoting benefits of the fiscal

consolidation thesis. It also reviews the evidence on the debt-growth

relationship at some length. It finds that the negative relationship between

debt and GDP growth is influenced by outliers or exceptionally high debt-GDP

ratios. It also points out that the composition of public debt matters.

Additionally, the debt-GDP relationship appears to be non-linear – positive

first and turning to negative, but there is considerable variation in the

estimated turning or ‘tipping’ point, which is not helpful as a policy guide.

Historical evidence does not lend support to the concerns that the current

situation is likely to cause rapid upward spiraling of public indebtedness.

Finally, the argument that fiscal consolidation is possible without adversely

affecting growth is not based on robust empirical evidence. This conclusion is

reinforced by a succinct overview of some country-specific experiences

(Denmark, Ireland and United States).

JEL Codes: N14, H63, E31, E62, E63, E65



Europe; fiscal consolidation; growth.



2007-2009 global economic and financial crisis led to a sharp increase in

public debt across various parts of the world, especially in advanced

countries. This has heightened concerns about fiscal sustainability and its

broader economic and financial market consequences. In particular, many believe

that public debt is starting to hit levels at which it might slow down economic

growth. These concerns have already triggered further downgrading of the

sovereign debt ratings of several developed economies, including Greece,

Ireland, Japan, Portugal and Spain. One rating agency, Standard & Poor’s,

has recently presented a negative outlook for the debt burden of France, and

downgraded its triple A credit rating, following its downgrading of the United

States in 2011. On 13 February, 2012, Moody’s Investor Service downgraded its

credit ratings for Italy, Portugal and Spain, while France, Britain and Austria

kept their top ratings but had their outlooks dropped to ‘negative’ from


The consensus

among the major countries represented in the Group of 20 (G20) in the wake of

the current global economic and financial crisis that propelled them to

announce coordinated stimulus packages quickly disappeared with the first signs

of a tepid recovery. Following the 2010 Toronto Summit of the G20 leaders, many

countries, especially in Europe, have committed to fiscal consolidation in

response to these concerns in the form of time-bound and targeted reductions in

the structural budget deficit. For example, fiscal austerity measures in the

United Kingdom aim to cut the deficit by an estimated 8 percentage points of

GDP by 2015.1 In France, the medium-term fiscal plan is to reduce the deficit

to 3 per cent of GDP by 2013 through a mix of revenue and expenditure measures

as well as structural reforms. Fiscal consolidation in Germany started in 2011.

The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) of Germany requires lowering the general

government deficit to 3 per cent of GDP by 2013; and the constitutional rule

mandates a 0.35 structural deficit at the federal level by 2016 (to be achieved

in roughly equal annual steps) and balanced structural budgets at the state

level by 2020.2 Canada’s fiscal consolidation plan projects a return to a small

deficit of -0.1 per cent of GDP by 2014-15. The winding-down of the Action Plan

would cut the federal budget deficit in half by 2011-12.


policy discourse, most notably in the rich nations, is that governments must

now engage in fiscal consolidation and bring back public finances to

sustainable levels. As the Economist (2010a) observes: Across much of the rich

world an era of budgetary austerity beckons’. But signs of budgetary austerity

also seem to be emerging in a sizeable number of low and middle-income

countries. One study by UNICEF (2010) finds that, in a sample of 86 low and

middle income countries, about 40 per cent are engaging in reductions in public

expenditure in 2010-201 1 relative to 2008-2009.The average projected spending

cuts are around 2.6 per cent of GDP. An OXFAM study (Kyrili and Matthew 2010)

shows that the global economic and financial crisis of 2007-2009 has created a

huge ‘fiscal hole’ in the 56 low-income countries (LICs) by reducing their

budget revenues by $65bn over the 2009-2010 period. As a result of the fiscal

hole, most LICs are cutting or at least restraining public expenditure,

especially on education and social protection.


International Monetary Fund’s Fiscal Monitor (IMF 2010c) highlighted the need

for major fiscal consolidation over the years ahead. The monitor stated that

though the increase in budget deficits played a key role in staving off an

economic catastrophe, as economic conditions improve, the attention of

policymakers should now turn to ensuring that doubts about fiscal solvency do

not become the cause of a new loss of confidence. Moreover, an equally

important risk to be averted is that the accumulated public debt, even if does

not result in overt debt crises, becomes a burden that slows down long-term

potential growth.


paper critically examines the key empirical evidence that is assembled to

support the fiscal consolidation argument. This examination is complemented by

a brief assessment of the limitations of the analytical foundation of the

growth promoting benefits of the fiscal consolidation thesis. We point out that

the composition of public debt matters, especially if it is used to finance

growthpromoting public investment. We also review the evidence on the

debt-growth relationship at some length. We find that the negative relationship

between debt and GDP growth is influenced by outliers or exceptionally high

debt-GDP ratios. Furthermore, when there is a relationship, it appears to be

non-linear – positive first and turning to negative at some point, but there is

considerable variation in the estimated turning or ‘tipping’ point, which is

not helpful as a policy guide. Historical evidence does not lend support to the

concerns that the current situation is likely to cause rapid upward spiraling

of public indebtedness that will push up interest rates (as well as risk

premium) on government securities, thereby putting greater pressure on deficits

to widen and on public debt to increase. Finally, we also find that the

argument that fiscal consolidation is possible without adversely affecting

growth is not based on robust empirical evidence. This conclusion is reinforced

by a succinct overview of some country-specific experiences (Denmark, Ireland

and the United States).



The IMF’s

Fiscal Monitor (IMF 2010c) that strongly advocates fiscal consolidation

acknowledges that to date, there are only a few studies that assess the

magnitude and significance of potentially adverse effects of high public debt

on growth. Thus, the IMF attempted to fill this gap by undertaking empirical

analysis of the relationship between initial government debt and subsequent

economic growth in a panel of advanced and emerging economies for the period

1970-2007.3 It involved examination of nonlinearities and threshold levels beyond

which debt begins to have an adverse effect on growth. It also did a growth

accounting exercise to explore the channels through which government debt may

influence growth. The analysis paid particular attention to a variety of

estimation issues – such as ‘reverse causality’ or the presence of a third

variable affecting both growth and debt – that can have an important bearing on

the estimation. The study also undertook various robustness checks. Therefore,

the IMF study seeks to provide a solid empirical foundation for fiscal


Yet a

closer look at the scatter plot (IMF 2010c: 63 Figure 1) reveals that the claim

of a negative relationship between growth and initial debt-GDP ratio is

influenced by a few outliers, characterised by either a debt-GDP ratio well

above 100 per cent or very high per capita GDP growth exceeding 8 per cent.

This is not surprising, given the insignificant existence of any relationship

between the debt-GDP ratio and macroeconomic instability, as a closer look at

Figure 4 (IMF 2010c: 67) exposes.

As part

of our critical examination of the pertinent evidence on public debt and

growth, we construct a simple scatter plot between initial debt-to-GDP ratios

and subsequent years of growth for the 1981-2010 period using a large sample of

countries. As can be seen from Figure 1, the slope of the debt-growth ‘line of

best fit’ is rather shallow as it was found to be in the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor.

To reinforce this point we construct bar diagrams with median debt-GDP ratios

and median growth rates for different sub-periods in Figure 2. As can be seen,

despite the major differences in median debt-GDP ratio, the differences in

median growth rates are not significant or pronounced. This is also evident

from the coefficient of variation (-0.34) for median growth versus 0.71 for

median debt-GDP ratio. Interestingly, the median growth rate of countries with

a debtGDP ratio between 90 and 120 per cent increased from around 2 per cent

during 1981-1985 to around 4 per cent during 2006-2009. After a median growth

rate of about 2 per cent until 1995, the median growth continued to rise

despite a high median debt-GDP ratio.

It seems

that the claimed negative debt-growth relationship is due to extreme values or

outliers. To substantiate this point, we use this sample to identify countries

that have the highest median debt-to-GDP ratio (approximately 171 per cent) for

the 1981-2009 period and contrast them with countries that have the lowest

median debt-to-GDP ratio (approximately 19 per cent) by focusing on median

growth rates for the two groups. As can be seen in Figure 3, a more than

nine-fold increase in the median debt-to-GDP ratios is associated with a 2.1

percentage point decline in the growth rate.4 This is, of course, an extreme

scenario and unlikely to represent the norm in the global evolution of public

indebtedness. Indeed, the dominant trend since the mid-1990s is that the

majority of countries lie in the ‘moderate’ (30 to 60 per cent) and ‘low’ debt

categories (less than 30 per cent) – see Figure 4. This trend is worth bearing

in mind as this can be easily forgotten in the current alarmist discourse over

rising public indebtedness in a few countries.


absence of a clear negative debt-growth relationship raises considerable doubts

about the nature of the theoretical and empirical foundations of those who

espouse the cause of fiscal austerity. The consensus’ view of mainstream

macroeconomics – derived from synthesis of ‘new classical’ and ‘new Keynesian’

approaches – is that there is no role for counter-cyclical fiscal policy. The

latter should focus primarily on debt and deficit management, while monetary

policy deals with ‘business cycle stabilisation and inflation control’

(Kirsanova et al. 2009: 482). Even its proponents argue that this works well in

the case of modest demand shocks, but when monetary policy is constrained (such

as a liquidity trap – entailing the so-called ‘zero bound’ on nominal interest

rate – or where there is a currency union) in the face of large demand shocks

(which characterizes the Great Recession of 2008-2009), then focusing on this

consensus assignment of macroeconomic policy instruments can turn out to be

welfare-reducing (Blanchard et al. 2010; Wren-Smith 2012).


about the effectiveness of fiscal policy- and the need to focus on debt/deficit

management – can also be rationalised in terms of three views: (a) crowding

out’ (b) ‘Ricardian equivalence’ and (c) ‘market confidence’. The crowding out

hypothesis, i.e., government borrowing drives up interest rates and adversely

affects private investment, ignores the consequences (e.g. low profitability,

bankruptcies etc.) of a depressed economy in the absence of increased

government spending. It also ignores the productivity enhancing impact of

government spending on infrastructure, education, and research and development

(R & D) – a point taken up further later. In any case, even in a simple

IS-LM model, ‘full’ crowding out only takes place in the special case when the

LM curve is vertical. As long IS and LM curves have normal shapes, there will

be ‘partial’ crowding out which means that a fiscal expansion will raise

aggregate demand and output and facilitate the move towards ‘full employment’.5


Ricardian equivalence argument that individuals have to save more in

anticipation of higher future tax to redeem public debt is spurious as revenues

rise with an expanding economy.6 What needs to be noted is that Ricardian

equivalence applies to tax cuts not to changes in government expenditure. As

Wren-Smith (201 1: R8) has pointed out, in a Ricardian economy, ‘ . .. fiscal

expansion that involves cutting lump sum taxes would have no impact on demand,

because the tax cut would be saved. However, exactly the same model implies

that a temporary increase in government spending will increase demand.’

It is

also a myth that government expenditure must always be financed by raising tax,

so that government budget remains in balance. As Abba Lerner pointed out more

than half a century ago, ‘taxing is never to be undertaken merely because the

government needs to make money payment’ (Lerner 1943: 40, emphasis in

original). Just as government expenditure, taxes must also be judged from their

impact on the economy.

It is

also not necessary that governments always have to borrow from the public. It

is much easier for governments to increase spending capacity by printing money

(borrowing from the central bank). The immediate financial implications of

expansionary fiscal policy action when the central bank uses interest rate – in

a world of endogenous money’ – is to add to the cash reserves of the private

sector banks in which the government checks are deposited. This in turn

increases (net) liquidity in the cash market where the central bank discount

rate is established and defended, assuming that the central bank did not

implement offsetting market operations (buying and selling its own or

government short-term securities, or associated derivatives such as re-purchase

agreements). Under these circumstances the actual central bank discount rate

should tend to decrease, causing downward pressure on retail interest rates.7

This conclusion is contrary to the conventional belief, and therefore should

encourage instead of crowding out private investment.


immediate objection to the option of borrowing from the central bank comes from

the supposed link between printing money and inflation. However, this fear

again arises from the lack of appreciation of the root cause of the problem,

i.e. insufficient spending. Printing money in a depressed economy should not

cause inflation. The US Federal Reserve Bank has gone into top gear, called

quantitative easing, since the onset of the Great Recession. Instead of

accelerating, the inflation rate remains well below the ‘desired’ rate of 2-3

per cent. Japan, too, has been facing deflationary pressure despite significant

easing of monetary policy since 1995. After reviewing a mass of evidence, Bruno

and Easterly (1998: 3) arrived at the following answer to the question ‘Is

inflation harmful to growth? The ratio of fervent beliefs to tangible evidence

seems unusually high on this topic’. Likewise, there is scant evidence

supporting the negative impact of fiscal expansion either due to crowding out

or Ricardian equivalence. After surveying a large body of empirical literature

an IMF study, Hemming, Kell and Mahfouz (2002: 36) concluded that estimates of

fiscal multipliers are overwhelmingly positive . . . there is little evidence

of direct crowding out through interest rates and exchange rate. Nor does full

Ricardian equivalence or a significant partial Ricardian offset get much

support from the evidence’.


the least theoretically grounded but most influential view is that fiscal

austerity now is necessary because it will instill ‘market confidence’ that

lies at the core of private sector spending decisions. As Jean-Claude Tritchet,

the former President of the European Central Bank put it during a media

interview: ‘It is an error to think that fiscal austerity is a threat to growth

and job creation. At present, a major problem is the lack of confidence on the

part of households, firms, savers and investors who feel that fiscal policies

are not sound and sustainable’ (ECB 2010). As Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman has

often lamented, this represents an undue faith in the confidence fairy’ to spur

growth. Borrowing costs are at a historic low for advanced countries, such as

UK, USA and Japan, despite high public debt. This probably reflects the fact

that there is a flight to safe assets issued by advanced country governments

who ‘still own their currency’ (Krugman 2012).


should also note that the advocates of the ‘market confidence’ thesis overlook

the fact that rating agencies typically induct growth variables in their

assessment of sovereign risk analysis. More importantly, studies have shown

that the impact of a growth contraction on measures of sovereign risks is

higher than the impact of debts and deficits on such risks. Hence, when fiscal

consolidation leads to growth contractions they reduce rather than raise market

confidence. It is perhaps not surprising to learn that in the vast majority of

cases (at least for advanced countries) successful fiscal adjustment took place

during booms and normal growth periods (Cotarelli and Jamarillo 2012; Islam and

Hengge 2012).




problem with the simple debt-growth analyses is that they ignore other factors

that affect growth. Kumar and Woo (2010) include variables that are commonly

used in growth regressions, but their reporting is partial. For example, in

their BE (Between Estimator) model, the coefficient of the initial years of

schooling is 4.2, which is significant at 1 per cent level. This is

significantly larger than the coefficient of the initial debt-GDP ratio.

However, when they claim that ‘a 10 percentage point increase in the initial

debt-to-GDP ratio is associated with a slowdown in annual real per capita GDP

growth of around 0.2 percentage points per year’ (2010: 4), they do not

consider how the initial debt was spent. If the initial debt was incurred to

improve the initial years of schooling, certainly the likely negative impact of

high initial debt would be more than offset, leaving a large net impact of 42

percentage points. Likewise, the initial high debt should affect the size of

government which has a coefficient of 0.1 (significant at 5 per cent level).

This too would lead to a net positive impact of increased public indebtedness

on growth. The story does not change much between different estimation

techniques employed and in the robustness check using the parsimonious



importance of composition of public expenditure is also revealed in the

econometric exercise reported in the IMF’s World Economic Outlook 20 10 (IMF

2010b). It finds that the estimated impact on output of fiscal consolidation

based on cuts to government transfers are relatively benign, whereas for

adjustments based mainly on cuts to government consumption or investment, the

output costs are larger.

What the

above discussion shows is that even if there is a downward sloping debt-growth

relationship curve, when we consider the growth effect of government s

productive investment expenditure and consequent crowding-in effect of private

investment, the curve will shift to the right, producing a positive

relationship between public debt and growth. This can be illustrated by using a

simple diagram.

Let us

assume that the public debt-growth relationship is negative as in Figure 5. Let

us suppose an economy is growing at gl and the corresponding debt-to-GDP ratio

is DGR1. Now, suppose that there is a secular increase in the public debtto-GDP

ratio from DGR1 to DGR2. If we simply focus on a movement along a given public

debt-growth curve (from A to B), then the prediction is that the growth rate

will decline from g1 to g2. Indeed, this will be the typical conclusion of any

study that focuses only on the partial impact of debt on growth. On the other

hand, the composition of public debt matters a great deal.8 If we assume that the

increased public debt will finance productivity enhancing investments in

infrastructure and in enhancing public service delivery, then this would be

represented as a rightward shift of the downward sloping public debt-growth

curve and thus create the possibility of a movement from ? to C. Incorporating

this ‘shift’ effect thus means a net positive impact of higher debt on growth.

Empirical studies that ignore ‘shift’ effects will thus arrive at misleading

conclusions on the debt-growth relationship.

In sum,

both the size and composition of public debt matter, as pointed out by Domar

more than half century ago. Domar ( 1 944) in the mid- 1 940s showed that

economic growth is not neutral with respect to the level and composition of

government expenditure. He notes ‘that deficit financing may have some effect

on income . . . has received a different treatment. Opponents of deficit

financing often disregard it completely, or imply, without any proof, that

income will not rise as fast as the debt …. There is something inherently odd

about any economy with a continuous stream of investment expenditures and a

stationary national income’ (Domar 1944: 801, 804).




and Rogoff (2010) summarised evidence from 44 developed and developing

economies, and found a threshold of 90 per cent for central government debt to

GDP, after which the real growth rate declines. Although this study received

considerable attention in the press, which has referred to it as a ‘tipping

point’ (Pozen 2010), it uses histograms to describe some stylised facts, and

hence cannot ascertain causality with any statistical significance. As growth

declines, debt-GDP ratio rises, so the causality may run from low growth to

high debt-GDP ratios.


examination of various studies that provide an econometric investigation of the

so-called ‘tipping point’ enables one to come to the following conclusions.

First, the estimated thresholds vary widely – from as low as 15-30 per cent to

64 per cent of GDP for developing countries; for developed and emerging

economies, the threshold ranges from 60 per cent to 90 per cent. It is

difficult to advise policy-makers based on these estimates. More specifically,

it becomes difficult to sustain the view that one can use reliable prudential

targets to monitor the sustainability of public debt.


at least one study (Caner, Grennes and Koehler-Geib 2010) notes that the

coefficient below the threshold (64 per cent of GDP) is much larger than that

above the threshold (+0.065 vs. -0.0174), implying that crossing the threshold

is costly in terms of lost growth, but pushing below the threshold is even more

costly. Furthermore, the high cost of lost output (reduction in growth rate)

highlighted in that study is due to one extreme case (Nicaragua) and is also

based on the strong assumption that a high degree of public debt will persist

for nearly thirty years. For most countries, the estimated annual percentage

point loss in real GDP growth is small.


other studies draw attention to the notion of ‘debt irrelevance’. In other

words these studies (Cordello et al. 2005; Presbitero 2010) show that the

public debt-growth relationship flattens beyond the threshold, implying that

rising public debt has no statistically significant impact on growth after a

certain point, suggesting that countries perhaps learn to live with debts.

Risk of

Debt Spiralling

The IMF’s

Fiscal Monitor 2010 (IMF 2010c) warns that without progress in addressing

fiscal sustainability concerns, high levels of public indebtedness could weigh

on economic growth for years. If governments fail to signal a credible

commitment to reduce debt ratios, the resulting increase in interest rates (and

decline in growth rates) could put greater pressure on deficits to widen and on

public debt to increase. These kinds of dynamics have clearly affected Greece,

Ireland, Portugal, Spain and several economies in Eastern Europe, countries

that still have a relatively limited tax capacity, making the vicious forces at

work more powerful. However, despite these experiences, there is scant evidence

supporting strong dynamics between public indebtedness and the cost of

servicing the debt in developed countries. Mounting public debt in the United

States, the major economies of the Euro area and Japan has not pushed real

interest rates up; the real interest rates have even declined in some countries

– as was noted above.


historical evidence also does not support the claim for such dynamics to emerge

under all circumstances. For example, interest rates have remained low since

the late 1980s in Japan, where public debt soared to 200 per cent of GDP during

two decades of deflation. The higher debt-to-GDP ratio in Japan is partly due

to very low inflation. A higher, but still moderate, inflation rate will raise

nominal GDP and lower the public debt-to-GDP ratio unless there is an actual

increase in the government’s gross liabilities. In 1988, Belgium had the

highest public debt. Italy’s debt also shot above 100 per cent of GDP during

this period (OECD 2009). None of these countries experienced spiraling

inflation or very high interest rates as is commonly feared when government

fiscal deficits rise. Japan is facing just the opposite – deflationary pressure

and a zero interest rate.

At the

end of the Second World War, the level of public debt in the United States had

increased to over 100 per cent of GDP, but it did not cause any major increase

in interest rates. Several studies on public finances in the United States

found no significant relationship between debt-to-GDP ratios and inflation or

interest rates over the period 1946-2008 (Aizenman and Marion 2009; Missale and

Blanchard 1994). As long as there is spare capacity in the economy or

unemployment, higher fiscal deficits add to purchasing power and do not exert

much upward pressure on interest rates or inflation, nor do they cause large

current account deficits.


De Grauwe (2011), one can also argue that the adverse impact on real interest

rates depends on whether the debt is denominated in domestic or foreign

currencies. This is evident in the contrasting experiences of Spain and the UK

during the current episode of rapid public debt build-up. The UK public debt as

a percent of GDP was 17 percentage points higher than the Spanish Government

debt (89 per cent versus 72 per cent) in 2011. Yet, since the beginning of 2010

the yield on Spanish government bonds has increased strongly relative to the

UK, suggesting that international bond markets price in a significantly higher

default risk on Spanish than on UK government bonds. This difference rose to

200 basis points in early 201 1. One of the reasons why the financial markets

have singled out Spain and not the UK for the possibility of getting entangled

in a government debt crisis is that they know Spain, as member of a monetary

union, does not have control over the currency in which its debts are issued,

while the UK public debt is mostly in its own currency.

A study

prepared for the United Nations, World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011

(UN 2011) traced the flow cost of servicing the public debt in developed

countries in the present-day context. It found that so far the cost of public

debt in the United States and the major economies of the Euro area has remained

very low. Interestingly, for most countries, the flow cost of servicing the

debt is below 2 per cent of GDP, except for Greece, Italy and Finland. For most

of the developed countries, including the United States, it finds that the

projected expected public debt burden is zero or negative. Most countries with

low projected debt ratios have lower uncertainty in future debt burdens, and

this uncertainty does not increase monotonically with the size of the projected

debt. Thus, WESP (UN 201 1: 26) notes, ‘From this perspective, one could

conclude that, insofar as future growth depends on short-term stabilization

during or in the aftermath of a financial crash and a deep recession, the

additional debt incurred for such stabilization may not translate into

excessively high medium-term flow costs of public debt for an important part of

the developed countries’. Therefore, the risk of triggering vicious public debt

dynamics depends critically on the growth scenarios. On the other hand,

premature fiscal consolidation may slow or delay economic recovery, and could

well trigger such a vicious circle.


of ‘Expansionary Fiscal Contractions’9

In the

preceding sections, we have highlighted the weak and doubtful empirical bases

for a public debt-growth link based on cross-country data. Here, we examine

more closely the claim that it is possible to construct expansionary fiscal

contractions’ and even growth-based’ fiscal consolidation. We consider both

cross-country studies and country-specific experiences. Based on this

evaluation, we are reminded of Domar’s (1944, 1993) key message that fiscal

sustainability crucially hinges on economic growth. In a situation of

uncertainty about the global economy and when the private sector is repairing

its balance-sheet after a long period of profligacy, fiscal consolidation will

most likely lead to an outcome similar to the ‘paradox of thrift’, whereby

people end up saving less as their income declines due to cuts in spending by

all in a bid to save more.

Fiscal Consolidation:

Theory and Cross-Country Experience



proponents of expansionary fiscal contractions’ argue that even the supposedly

short-run damage of fiscal austerity would be limited or not arise at all. If

consolidations are credible, decisive, and of the right kind, then recovery

should follow rapidly. This view rests, as noted above, on the ‘market

confidence’ argument. The best articulation of this idea can be found in the

‘Stability and Growth Pact’ of the European Union:


trust in the soundness of public finances enhances confidence among all

economic agents and thereby contributes to sustainable growth in consumption

and investment. Stability and growth are thus not conflicting objectives, but

rather reinforce each other – a fact which is very well captured in the title

of the fiscal framework called the ‘Stability and Growth Pact’. (ECB 2003: 6)

The same

message has been reflected in the recent G20 communiqué. It accepts the

stabilising role of fiscal deficits, but only in exceptional situations. In the

contemporary debate on fiscal consolidation, some commentators have suggested a

‘forward-looking’ interpretation of ‘market confidence’. This implies that

governments have to be proactive and anticipate how markets might react in the

future by adopting a ‘big bang’ approach to fiscal consolidation. Thus: ‘Given

that the current levels of debt are high by historical standards and that they

are very high in many advanced economies, it might be that markets will soon

ask for a strong signal of commitment and, in its absence, risk premia on

government bonds will increase. To avoid an increasing cost of rolling over the

debt, governments could be better off with a strong early adjustment’ (emphasis

added) (Fatás 2010). Therefore, consolidation should take priority over

stabilisation, and discretionary fiscal stimulus measures should be switched

off as soon as possible to avoid any damage to credibility’. This is supposed

to inspire the confidence’ of bond investors to offset any contractionary

impact of public expenditure cuts or increased taxes. This is especially

important for countries facing acute debt problems, with very high debt ratios

together with the prospect of soaring debt service burdens, threatening

crowding out and adverse confidence effects.

The key

link here is between debt costs and bond market confidence. It is an additional

argument that reinforces the neo-Ricardian equivalence idea or hopes for

positive ‘supply-side effects’ from shrinking public spending. Therefore,

fiscal consolidation could be expansionary since cuts in government spending

should strengthen market confidence, and hence lower borrowing costs due to

reduced perceptions of country risk and spur private investment. In the most

favourable case of fiscal consolidation, non-Keynesian effects (from greater

credibility and investor confidence) exceed contractionary Keynesian effects of

reduced public spending, resulting in higher growth.


discipline is also seen as a safeguard protecting monetary policy from

political pressures. Complementing central bankers’ ‘independence’, a prudent

fiscal framework is expected to help maintain price stability. In sum,

deliberate reversal of fiscal trends, brought about by means of redesigned

macroeconomic policies and institutions, is believed to have a positive impact

on business expectations and investment to deliver economic growth and

employment. Thus, important links are believed to exist between fiscal

consolidation, fiscal and monetary institutions, and economic growth and




A number

of cross-country studies have sought to demonstrate using historical data that

fiscal consolidation exercises are accompanied by growth and declines in

unemployment. Two cases from this genre can be highlighted. First, an IMF study

(Dermott and Wescott: 1996) focused on 74 cases of fiscal consolidation in 20

industrialized countries over the 1970-1995 periods. It concludes that 14 cases

were ‘successful’ in the sense that they were marked by sustainable reduction

(by about three percentage points over a period of three years) in the

debt-to-GDP ratio as well as an increase in growth and employment creation.

Second, a study by Alesina and Ardagna (2010) assembled 107 episodes of fiscal

consolidation in all OECD countries for the 1970 to 2007 period (see also

Alesina 2010). It concludes that 27 could be classified as cases that combined

fiscal consolidation with growth. Such results are underwhelming. The

historical experience thus suggests that the probability of a successful fiscal

consolidation is between 19 per cent (or 14 out of 74 as in the IMF study) and

25 per cent (or 27 out of 107 as in the Alesina- Ardagna study).


Alesina and Ardagnas study as well as a similar earlier study by Alesina et al.

(1995) have been criticized by the IMF (2010a) on methodological grounds.

Specifically, these studies often identify periods of fiscal consolidation

using a statistical concept – the increase in the cyclically adjusted budget

surplus – that is a highly imperfect measure of actual policy actions. ‘This

way of selecting cases of consolidation biases the analysis toward downplaying

contractionary effects and overstating expansionary ones’ (IMF 2010a: 94).

Thus, in its World Economic Outlook the IMF (2010a) uses an alternative method

for identifying periods of fiscal consolidation by focusing on policy actions

intended to reduce the budget deficit. It finds that fiscal consolidation

typically has a contractionary effect on output. A fiscal consolidation equal

to 1 per cent of GDP typically reduces GDP by about 0.5 per cent within two

years and raises the unemployment rate by about 0.3 percentage point. Domestic

demand – consumption and investment – falls by about 1 per cent.10

Even if

one accepts that fiscal consolidation exercises have a reasonable chance of

being accompanied by growth and employment creation, one should not attribute

such an outcome to budgetary austerity alone. There are often complementary

factors at work that might be more important than fiscal actions. They include:

(1) the influence of the global business cycle, (2) monetary policy, (3)

exchange rate policy and (4) structural reforms. Dermott and Wescott (1996: 10)

found that ‘ . . . strong global economic growth helps to achieve a successful

consolidation, and weak global growth reduces the chances that consolidation

will cut the debt-to-GDP ratio’. It is also well-known that fiscal

retrenchments can be combined with loose monetary policy to offset recessionary

consequences. One European Commission study (Posen 2005) finds that, in more

than 50 per cent of the cases examined, fiscal austerity programmes were

accompanied by expansionary monetary policy that enabled growth to be

sustained. Similarly, the idea of combining fiscal retrenchments with

devaluation that boosts net exports to offset the decline in aggregate demand

(so-called expenditure reducing policies’ combined with expenditure switching

policies’) is well known. Furthermore, the expansion that accompanies fiscal

consolidation might well arise from structural reforms that alleviate binding

constraints on growth.


importance of these enabling factors needs particular attention in the light of

current circumstances. To start with, the post-crisis economic recovery is

still fragile when judged from an employment and labour market perspective.

Consider, for example, private sector assessments of anticipated employment

trends gauged by The Manpower Employment Outlook for the third quarter of 2012

– a report that has been around for 50 years. It interviewed over 65,000

employers across 41 countries and territories to measure anticipated employment

trends between July and September 2012 (Manpower 2012). Overall, it reports an

overall expected some slowing of hiring activity from the already flat pattern

for the same period in 2011, despite areas of positive hiring activity in 33

countries. Hence, the regional/global business cycle is not conducive enough to

the effective working of fiscal consolidation. The Eurozone economies also do

not have scope for devaluations nor do they have much room to cut interest

rates further through expansionary monetary policy as policy rates are still at

historically low thresholds.

In sum,

the results of historical studies of fiscal consolidation exercises suggest a

relatively high failure rate. Even in the successful cases, there were enabling

factors at play that might have offset the recessionary consequences of fiscal

retrenchments. Furthermore, the usual arguments that are invoked to justify fiscal

consolidation (Ricardian equivalence, crowding out and market confidence) lack

robust empirical substantiation. One study (Broyer and Brunner 2010) has

offered some estimates of the net impact of fiscal consolidation on growth in

eight European economies (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain,

Netherlands, Portugal, and Greece). It suggests that, even by 2016, all

countries bar one will suffer an output contraction as a result of the

transition from fiscal stimulus packages to consolidation.


Consolidation: Some Country-Specific Experiences

The US

case under the Clinton Administration


consolidation during the Clinton era might be considered as one of the best

recent examples of fiscal consolidation that was accompanied by significant and

sustained growth. The strong dollar policy and lower interest rates were the

prime movers behind the Clinton era expansion, which in turn increased revenue

and reduced social security expenditure, and thereby achieved a fiscal

surplus.11 Expansionary monetary policy, in particular, triggered and sustained

growth. As we will argue, fiscal consolidation was a consequence, rather than a

cause, of such growth.


Treasury Under-Secretary Summers argued against a weak dollar policy to promote

growth through exports for at least two reasons. First, there is a time-lag

between exchange rate adjustments and the response of exports to such

adjustments – the so-called I-curve effect. Second, in a world of increased

capital mobility, any perception of a fall in dollar has to be matched by a

corresponding rise in interest rates (due to the arbitrage condition known as

interest parity). The higher interest rates associated with a weaker dollar

thus stifle growth while export growth lags.

The new

Secretary of Treasury, Rubin, endorsed the strong dollar argument. In his

confirmation hearings before the Senate Finance committee, he stated that a

strong dollar was in the best interest of the U.S. economy and warned that the

exchange rate should not be an instrument of U.S. trade policy. At a prime-time

news conference on 19 April 1995, President Clinton stated that the U.S. ‘wants

a strong dollar’ and that it ‘has an interest over the long run in a strong

currency’ This change of exchange rate policy saw the rise of index value of

the US dollar against major currencies from less than 80 in January 1995 to

over 100 by January 2000 (DeLong and Eichengreen 2011).

A strong

US dollar also meant less imported inflation, allowing the Fed to maintain

expansionary monetary policy. The Fed refrained from terminating the boom of

the 1990s by raising interest rates even though unemployment fell markedly

below any previous conventional NAIRU measure. In addition to boosting growth,

low interest rates helped keep bond yields close to the nominal GDP growth, so

that the interest burden stayed under control, as reflected in stability of

primary balances. The US experience illustrates that it was expansionary

monetary policy, in particular, that ignited and sustained growth, allowing

fiscal consolidation. In large part, fiscal consolidation during the Clinton

era was a consequence of the economic boom itself.

The cases

of Denmark and Ireland12


(1983-87) and Ireland’s (1987-89) successful consolidations are widely seen as

demonstrating the dominance of non-Keynesian effects and the possibility of

expansionary fiscal contractions’ However, Denmark had to live through a long

period of sluggish growth from 1987 until 1993, following its supposedly

expansionary fiscal contraction of 1983-87. Domestic demand shrank in six of

seven years, turning a current account deficit of 5.3 per cent of GDP in 1986

to a surplus of 2.8 per cent in 1993. Since 1994, domestic demand recovered as

the real interest rate began declining and converged to the EU25 area rate. The

Danish central bank not only followed all of the interest rate changes made by

the ECB, it also implemented several interest rate cuts independently, thus

supporting GDP growth. This easing of monetary policy was possible due to the

stability of the exchange rate, which remained within the fluctuation bands

defined in ERM II. Denmark embarked on fiscal consolidation in 1996 and, in

2003, only after growth had returned.


fiscal tightening of 1987-89 was followed by a sharp fall in GDP growth; the

Irish resurgence took off in earnest in 1994 (after a second dip recession in

1993). The move to wider ERM exchange rate bands in August 1993 and the

commitment to EMU were successful in removing the pressure on exchange rates

and its implications for interest rates. The more stable exchange rate

environment allowed interest rates to fall and converge to the German levels,

which helped boost domestic demand and investment (Murphy 2000). It seems that

the contraction of the Irish economy by over 7 per cent in 2009, following its

severe austerity measures, is a replay of its earlier experience. Instead of

being rewarded for its actions, taken long before the Greek drama unfolded,

investors seem to have punished Ireland. The factors that contributed to

Ireland’s exceptional growth performance in the 1990s included interest rate

convergence, massive EU transfers and foreign direct investment, not so-called

investor confidence.


like the US story of the Clinton era, the Danish-Irish growth since the

mid-1990s was the result of favourable exchange rate and interest policies,

which, in turn, helped fiscal consolidation. A close scrutiny of the

Danish-Irish cases would also show that both economies were helped by a

favourable world economic environment through buoyant export demand and direct

foreign investment.13 This fundamental point is often missed in conventional


What are

the policy lessons from these cases? This can be answered by using the familiar

identity among budget deficits (BD), saving (S), investment (I) and current

account deficits (CD): BD = S – I + CD. Thus, there are two policy options:

either adjust the right hand or the left hand variables to achieve the desired

goals. That is:


Discretionary cuts in BD which lead to adjustments in S, I & CD


Policy adjustments to influence S, I & CD

It seems

all three, the US, Denmark and Ireland, chose the second option. The most

pertinent policy lesson is, there are alternatives and that adjustments of

relevant policy instruments to achieve desired goals seem to yield better

results than discretionary and forced adjustment. Although the discretionary

option may seem attractive as having to deal with only one variable instead of

three and hence can give an impression of more certainty, actual outcome

appears to be different.



There is

no doubt that many industrialised countries are facing serious fiscal crises

that need to be tackled soon. However, as a recent BIS paper noted, the key

challenge for fiscal authorities is ‘how to do that without seriously

jeopardising the incipient economic recovery’ (Cecchetti, Mohanty and Zampolli

2010: 2). Unfortunately, fiscal authorities in many industrialised countries,

Europe in particular, seemed to have failed. They have embarked upon drastic

fiscal consolidation measures without regard for the underlying causes of

fiscal problems, i.e. how much of this is due to cyclical factors, such as the

ongoing recession and how much is due to structural factors, such as ageing

population and unfunded pension schemes, non-progressivity of the tax system or

bloating of the public sector.


countries had huge public debts when World War II ended. Despite calls then for

drastic expenditure cuts, governments spent a great deal more on economic

reconstruction and social protection measures. Had they caved in to the fiscal

hawks of their time, post-war European recovery would have been delayed and the

Cold War could have been lost. As governments continued with massive

expenditure to rebuild their countries, economies grew all over the world, and

debt burdens diminished quickly with rapid economic growth and fast growing tax

revenues. These experiences show that deficits and surpluses should be adjusted

counter-cyclically over the course of business cycles (Matthews 1968).

There is,

of course, one big difference between then and now. The financial sector is

much more powerful now, with governments often held hostage by financial

markets and the whims of rating agencies. The record of rating agencies before

the 2008 global economic crisis is now widely acknowledged as abysmal, with

even the US Congress seriously debating whether or not they should be


The claim

that high public debt causes lower growth and that it is possible to have

expansionary fiscal contractions’ cannot be supported by robust crosscountry

evidence as well as by country-specific experiences. Such a claim also ignores

the impacts of other variables, especially of those which may be affected by

public debt itself. For example, high public debt could be used to improve

schooling which is found to have a larger positive impact on growth than the

estimated negative impact of public debt-GDP ratios. Public debt to enhance

government capacity and capabilities (measured by size of government) or to

improve infrastructure can also positively contribute to growth and outweigh

the potential adverse impact of high initial debt-GDP ratios. In other words,

as Domar pointed out, both the size and composition of debt matter. The

growthinhibiting effects of a given percentage increase in debt-to-GDP ratio

can be easily overwhelmed by a given percentage increase in the

growth-promoting variables achieved through public spending.


issue, however, is different when it comes to the accumulation of external

liabilities. The question is then not only of being able to repay, but also

whether other countries would be willing to continue to lend. Paradoxically, in

crisis-hit countries with access to private capital markets, fiscal prudence

does not offer any safeguard against the pitfalls and perils of private

sector-led accumulation of external liabilities because they eventually become

the liabilities of the government. This is a lesson that Ireland and other

debt-ridden economies of the Eurozone have painfully discovered today in the

wake of the global recession of 2008-2009 and as Indonesia and Thailand

discovered during the 1997 Asian financial crisis.


current preoccupation with public debt and fiscal consolidation has had the

consequence of distracting attention from the crucial role that fiscal policy

plays in promoting growth and development. This point is made forcefully in an

insightful ‘interim report’ that informed the deliberations of the Development

Committee of the IMF and World Bank in April 2006. The authors of the report

note that debts and deficits are useful indicators for:

. . .

controlling the growth of government liabilities, but (they) offer little

indication of longer term effects on government assets or on economic growth.

Conceptually, the long-term impact is better captured by examining the impact

of fiscal policy on government net worth. (Development Committee 2006: i)


report argues that ‘ . . . there is clearly a need for fiscal policy to

incorporate, as best as possible, the likely impact of the level and composition

of expenditure and taxation on long-term growth . . . ‘ (ibid.).14 It is time

to resurrect these important ideas as an antidote to the alarmist discourse on

public debt.

There is

also the more fundamental issue of whether the policy-making process should

become hostage to the confidence game’ in which evidence-based policy-making is

replaced by a band of amateur psychologists seeking to read the collective mood

of financial markets. When this happens, fundamental macroeconomic policy

errors are likely to be committed, as the mishandling of the 1997 Asian

financial crisis by international financial institutions has shown.



earlier version of this paper was presented at a seminar in the Reserve Bank of

Australia, organised by the Economic Society of Australia. The authors are

grateful to Sarah Anwar, Employment Policy Department, ILO, for tapping into

the IMF historical debt database which enabled new evidence to be harnessed to

assess the public debt-growth relationship. They are also grateful to

Professors Geoff Harcourt, John Nevile and Peter Kriesler of the University of

New South Wales and Professor Raja Junankar of the University of Western Sydney

for their insightful comments. We are particularly grateful to two anonymous

referees for their helpful and incisive comments that guided this revised

version. However, the usual disclaimer applies: the authors are solely

responsible for any remaining errors and omissions.

The views

expressed herein do not anyway reflect the views of the UN-ESCAP or ILO or any

of the UN agencies.




‘Fiscal consolidation is a policy intended to reduce deficits and the

accumulation of debt. The term typically refers to a government economic

policy. The terms ‘fiscal consolidation and ‘fiscal austerity’ will be used

interchangeably in this paper.

2. See

Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany: 2012. For other OECD countries, see OECD

2010, Chapter 4. Fiscal consolidation requirements in the OECD countries are

summarized as: ‘Consolidation requirements are substantial; merely to stabilise

debt-GDP ratios by no later than 2025 requires strengthening the underlying

primary balance from the current position by more than 5 per cent of GDP in the

OECD area on average. Tightening by more than 8 per cent of GDP is called for

in the United States and Japan, with the United Kingdom, Portugal, Slovak

Republic, Poland and Ireland all requiring consolidation of 5 to 7 percentage

points of GDP. Consolidation requirements would be much more demanding if the

aim were to return debt-to-GDP ratios to their pre-crisis levels. In addition,

for a typical OECD country, offsets of 3 per cent of GDP will have to be found

over the coming 15 years to meet spending pressures due to ageing, representing

additional cumulative consolidation requirements of about lA per cent of GDP

per year (OECD 2010: 12).

3. The

detailed findings and methodologies employed are reported in Kumar and Woo


4. This

does not, of course, imply causality between debt and growth, but the nature of

the association shown here is insightful.

5. Of

course, one should recognise the limits of the IS-LM framework, most notably

the assumptions pertaining to the exogeneity of money and the ability of

governments to control monetary aggregates. This affects the use of the LM

curve as a valid analytical device. See, for example, Romer (2000). The

advocates of the DSCGE or dynamic computable general equilibrium models would

also debunk the use of the IS-LM framework in probing the crowding out’ thesis

on the ground that this framework is not rigorously microfounded’. Yet, DSGCEs

also suffer from various limitations. A detailed discussion of this issue is

beyond the scope of the paper.

6. Chick

and Pettifor (2011), using historical UK data for 1909-2009, show that there

was a very strong negative association between government expenditure and the

government debt, excluding the two outliers for the World Wars. When public

expenditure increased, public debt fell, as the economy expanded and revenue

rose. On the other hand, contrary to the conventional wisdom, fiscal

consolidations did not improve public finances.

7. See

Hart (201 1) for exposition of this.

8. Based

on historical Australian data, Nevile and Kriesler (2011) stress the importance

of the composition of government expenditure.

9. This

Section draws on the authors’ VoxEU commentaries (Chowdhury and Islam 2010a,

2010b; Islam and Chowdhury 2010), and G24 Policy Briefs Nos. 57 & 58 (Islam

and Chowdhury 2010b, 2010c).


Jonathan Portes, Director of the National Institute of Economic and Social

Research, which is Britain’s oldest independent research institute, has pointed

out that the Alesina-Ardagna study has been so discredited that the UK

Treasury, which was briefly influenced by that study and used its findings to

justify the Emergency Budget of 2010, has now retreated from that position. See

Portes (2011). John Quiggin, a leading Australian economist, chastises the

Alesina-Ardagna (AA) paper for making elementary factual errors in the case

study of Australia, advancing it as a clear case of expansionary fiscal

contraction (Quiggin 2012). Others who have been critical of the AA study

include The Economist which considers the study ‘seriously flawed’ (The

Economist 2010b).


President Clinton was also able to fend off pressure to increase spending when

a surplus did emerge in 1998 with the successful slogan, ‘Save Social Security

First.’ The policy was at least ‘let’s save the surpluses until we put social

security on a firm footing’ – no tax cuts, no big spending increases. For the

political economy explanation, see Berglund and Vernengo (2004).


Giavazzi and Pagano (1990) first raised the prospect of expansionary fiscal

consolidation based on their analysis of Denmark and Ireland.


Perroti (201 1) reports similar observations after detailed case studies of

fiscal consolidations in Ireland, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

14. This

report was attached to the 23 April 2006 World Bank’s Development Committee


May 15, 2022

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