In [1]:
import re
import csv
import json
import pickle
from time import localtime
In [2]:
# Opening and reading
open_csv = open('data.csv','rt')
read_csv = csv.reader(open_csv)
#Storing value into an array
csv_file_array = []
for row in read_csv:
#Creating a dict from the arry
csv_dict = {}
mid_dict = {}
counter = 1
for i in csv_file_array[0][1:]:#taking value from the 1st row meaning columns name row
for j in csv_file_array[1:]: # taking value from from row othere then the 0th row
mid_dict[int(j[0])] = j[counter] #Creating the nested dict
csv_dict[i] = mid_dict #Creating the main dict
mid_dict = {}
{'Name': {0: 'Hillary Benton',
1: 'Morgan Y. Little',
2: 'Camden Z. Blair',
3: 'Alexandra E. Saunders',
4: 'Hanae P. Walsh',
5: 'Jescie Sargent',
6: 'Kessie Morgan',
7: 'Bevis M. Santos',
8: 'Flynn Alston',
9: 'Charles F. Crawford',
10: 'Cairo Wolfe',
11: 'Elijah Myers',
12: 'Thane Burch',
13: 'Katelyn Munoz',
14: 'Genevieve Holland',
15: 'Wesley Z. Sharp',
16: 'Tatyana H. French',
17: 'Meredith F. Clayton',
18: 'Rajah Carrillo',
19: 'Gabriel Richmond'},
'Phone': {0: '1-243-669-7472',
1: '155-3483',
2: '123-5058',
3: '1-637-740-7614',
4: '901-2461',
5: '265-1176',
6: '945-0713',
7: '227-9994',
8: '398-8097',
9: '791-5111',
10: '1-930-942-2322',
11: '1-238-336-4864',
12: '1-894-978-3696',
13: '220-5054',
14: '992-6968',
15: '1-960-740-2261',
16: '1-120-782-6047',
17: '425-7583',
18: '1-576-789-5730',
19: '1-387-932-2096'},
'Address': {0: '144-1225 In Road',
1: 'Ap #909-6656 Ac St.',
2: 'P.O. Box 441, 6183 Ligula St.',
3: '305-496 Morbi Rd.',
4: '7058 Dapibus St.',
5: '421-5501 Cursus. St.',
6: 'Ap #481-6631 Vehicula Rd.',
7: 'P.O. Box 575, 4033 Mi St.',
8: 'Ap #763-5990 Nec, Av.',
9: 'Ap #841-1623 Vitae Avenue',
10: '9269 Libero Ave',
11: 'P.O. Box 677, 2311 Aliquet. Road',
12: '7438 Amet, Rd.',
13: 'P.O. Box 432, 9085 Nulla Ave',
14: '1768 Magna. Road',
15: 'P.O. Box 497, 8354 Habitant St.',
16: '217-9163 Lobortis Road',
17: 'Ap #929-9420 Vivamus Rd.',
18: '910-8300 Varius Rd.',
19: '7458 Sapien. St.'},
'City': {0: 'Navsari',
1: 'Kitimat',
2: 'Casanova Elvo',
3: 'Biggleswade',
4: 'Dhuy',
5: 'Tulsa',
6: 'Pedro Aguirre Cerda',
7: 'Saint-Vincent',
8: 'Tirúa',
9: 'Hindupur',
10: 'Whitchurch',
11: 'Port Harcourt',
12: 'Algeciras',
13: 'RequÃ\xadnoa',
14: 'Moose Jaw',
15: 'Bear',
16: 'Salles',
17: 'Friedberg',
18: 'Bertiolo',
19: 'Tropea'},
'Country': {0: 'Togo',
1: 'Nauru',
2: 'Palestine, State of',
3: 'Malawi',
4: 'Qatar',
5: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
6: 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba',
7: 'Kuwait',
8: 'Romania',
9: 'South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands',
10: 'Lesotho',
11: 'Kyrgyzstan',
12: 'Anguilla',
13: 'Congo (Brazzaville)',
14: 'Uruguay',
15: 'Cayman Islands',
16: 'Eritrea',
17: 'Czech Republic',
18: 'Afghanistan',
19: 'Cambodia'},
'Email': {0: '
[email protected]',
1: '
[email protected]',
2: '
[email protected]',
3: '
[email protected]',
4: '
[email protected]',
5: '
[email protected]',
6: '
[email protected]',
7: '
[email protected]',
8: '
[email protected]',
9: '
[email protected]',
10: '
[email protected]',
11: '
[email protected]',
12: '
[email protected]',
13: '
[email protected]',
14: '
[email protected]',
15: '
[email protected]',
16: '
[email protected]',
17: '
[email protected]',
18: '
[email protected]',
19: '
[email protected]'}}
In [3]:
#loading the json data
with open('data.json', 'rb') as j:
load_json = json.load(j)
#creating the json dict with in int key value. It was of str previously.
json_dict = {}
mid_dict = {}
for i in load_json.keys():
for j in load_json[i].keys():
mid_dict[int(j)] = load_json[i][j]
json_dict[i] = mid_dict
mid_dict = {}
{'Name': {20: 'Paul Merrill',
21: 'Brynne S. Barr',
22: 'Cyrus Buckley',
23: 'Chloe Burnett',
24: 'Zachery Wilcox',
25: 'Casey Mcgowan',
26: 'Cole X. Hopper',
27: 'Tara Bender',
28: 'Malik Grimes',
29: 'Ulla Russo',
30: 'Colby Moran',
31: 'Maggy Wooten',
32: 'Cameron Guthrie',
33: 'Gail Villarreal',
34: 'Harding Salinas',
35: 'Idona W. Bonner',
36: 'Warren Castillo',
37: 'Clayton Harmon',
38: 'Alana Vasquez',
39: 'Mason R. Trujillo'},
'Phone': {20: '1-313-739-3854',
21: '939-4818',
22: '266-3123',
23: '828-0406',
24: '1-611-756-4723',
25: '1-155-558-4461',
26: '1-328-505-0545',
27: '1-757-378-4079',
28: '793-4359',
29: '662-7778',
30: '1-788-230-1991',
31: '912-7242',
32: '988-2217',
33: '1-405-823-4207',
34: '1-505-843-5401',
35: '283-6921',
36: '1-250-875-9104',
37: '1-609-380-9257',
38: '1-853-288-4269',
39: '172-5777'},
'Address': {20: '916-8087 Vehicula Rd.',
21: '878-2231 Suspendisse Rd.',
22: 'P.O. Box 572, 7680 Ullamcorper Ave',
23: '563-4105 Donec Avenue',
24: '462-2112 In Rd.',
25: '420-7327 Facilisis Street',
26: '561-7476 Eget St.',
27: '1247 Nonummy Rd.',
28: 'Ap #603-3303 Libero. St.',
29: 'P.O. Box 975, 4593 Ante. Street',
30: '3696 Augue Ave',
31: 'P.O. Box 365, 6109 Metus. Rd.',
32: 'Ap #861-8699 Non Ave',
33: '371-7266 Tortor Avenue',
34: '4167 Nunc Ave',
35: 'Ap #302-2966 Cum Av.',
36: 'Ap #275-2917 Curabitur Rd.',
37: '6930 Duis Road',
38: '1511 Lobortis Ave',
39: 'Ap #711-213 Sagittis Avenue'},
'City': {20: 'Le Mans',
21: 'Wilhelmshaven',
22: 'Sangli',
23: 'Wabamun',
24: 'Barddhaman',
25: 'Pfungstadt',
26: 'Saint John',
27: 'Avellino',
28: 'Winnipeg',
29: 'Vitória da Conquista',
30: 'Hualpén',
31: 'Kapuskasing',
32: 'Pontypridd',
33: 'Saint-Remy-Geest',
34: 'Arsimont',
35: 'Nieuwenrode',
36: 'La Baie',
37: 'College',
38: 'Richmond Hill',
39: 'Quinta Normal'},
'Country': {20: 'Somalia',
21: 'Samoa',
22: 'Taiwan',
23: 'Morocco',
24: 'Hong Kong',
25: 'Iran',
26: 'Macao',
27: 'Dominica',
28: 'Congo (Brazzaville)',
29: 'Slovakia',
30: 'France',
31: 'Indonesia',
32: 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
33: 'Marshall Islands',
34: 'Montserrat',
35: 'Faroe Islands',
36: 'Ireland',
37: 'United States',
38: 'Israel',
39: 'Sudan'},
'Email': {20: '
[email protected]',
21: '
[email protected]',
22: '
[email protected]',
23: '
[email protected]',
24: '
[email protected]',
25: '
[email protected]',
26: '
[email protected]',
27: '
[email protected]',
28: '
[email protected]',
29: '
[email protected]',
30: '
[email protected]',
31: '
[email protected]',
32: '
[email protected]',
33: '
[email protected]',
34: '
[email protected]',
35: '
[email protected]',
36: '
[email protected]',
37: '
[email protected]',
38: '
[email protected]',
39: '
[email protected]'}}
In [4]:
#Loading the pickle value
with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as p:
load_pkl = pickle.load(p)
#Creating the dict and aligninh the key values with other two
pkl_dict = {}
for i in csv_dict.keys():
pkl_dict[i] = load_pkl[i]
{'Name': {40: 'Garrison Lindsey',
41: 'Jenna Mercado',
42: 'Drake Savage',
43: 'Rana Z. Colon',
44: 'Melodie Knox',
45: 'Cooper T. Horton',
46: 'Eaton Nelson',
47: 'Lucian W. Lynn',
48: 'Sydney Anderson',
49: 'Jane Joyner',
50: 'Yen P. Browning',
51: 'Katell Simmons',
52: 'Freya B. Fischer',
53: 'Rama W. Mack',
54: 'Lawrence Z. Carrillo',
55: 'Quyn Serrano',
56: 'Indira L. Mccormick',
57: 'Rina W. Harris',
58: 'Cherokee George',
59: 'Michael Riddle',
60: 'Kay Rice',
61: 'Arden Leonard',
62: 'Chantale Sharpe',
63: 'Calvin Herman',
64: 'Walter R. Gaines',
65: 'Berk Finley',
66: 'Timothy Chambers',
67: 'Ariana M. Olson',
68: 'Mason E. Kelly',
69: 'Keane Stein',
70: 'Ginger Morse',
71: 'Maggy Cotton',
72: 'Talon R. May',
73: 'Devin L. Boone',
74: 'Orli E. Baxter',
75: 'Wing Velazquez',
76: 'Inez Simon',
77: 'Kyle Leonard',
78: 'Selma Christensen',
79: 'Gwendolyn Crosby',
80: 'Gary Alvarez',
81: 'Knox L. Cash',
82: 'Drake P. Guerrero',
83: 'Blossom Chandler',
84: 'Joan O. Ingram',
85: 'Buffy R. Austin',
86: 'Yoko M. Mcgowan',
87: 'Walker Q. Wolfe',
88: 'Blake Cross',
89: 'Naida Guthrie',
90: 'Yardley Singleton',
91: 'Lenore M. Boyer',
92: 'Edan Cortez',
93: 'Quintessa T. Martinez',
94: 'Reuben Skinner',
95: 'Yoshio Leblanc',
96: 'Rebecca French',
97: 'Shana K. Kerr',
98: 'Gemma Leonard',
99: 'Adara Estrada'},
'Phone': {40: '420-1477',
41: '102-2189',
42: '1-790-105-7695',
43: '486-7539',
44: '1-479-861-6093',
45: '768-1000',
46: '746-8562',
47: '1-392-783-0634',
48: '1-610-717-0447',
49: '1-131-574-3183',
50: '473-1433',
51: '1-647-852-3590',
52: '514-9914',
53: '1-849-217-6292',
54: '352-3711',
55: '1-450-807-5530',
56: '1-330-764-3846',
57: '760-1654',
58: '1-722-165-1370',
59: '476-0145',
60: '477-5481',
61: '383-6541',
62: '1-600-834-9076',
63: '1-461-665-6848',
64: '370-5831',
65: '1-765-752-4793',
66: '819-2872',
67: '447-5000',
68: '1-896-767-7525',
69: '457-2683',
70: '1-228-310-1687',
71: '1-541-405-3049',
72: '143-7688',
73: '1-132-242-8605',
74: '371-7491',
75: '354-5776',
76: '461-0691',
77: '179-3944',
78: '978-6407',
79: '692-9172',
80: '1-692-738-4449',
81: '535-9704',
82: '250-6382',
83: '142-2607',
84: '1-889-203-6592',
85: '413-3678',
86: '1-731-637-5890',
87: '1-240-595-6907',
88: '979-7498',
89: '1-138-699-9182',
90: '945-1641',
91: '513-0044',
92: '1-223-433-5209',
93: '1-672-341-8336',
94: '1-790-135-9618',
95: '1-508-613-2127',
96: '397-3408',
97: '354-7392',
98: '175-7956',
99: '1-893-111-1453'},
'Address': {40: 'P.O. Box 466, 7919 In Av.',
41: 'P.O. Box 484, 9648 Sit Avenue',
42: 'P.O. Box 254, 2688 Luctus, Street',
43: 'Ap #682-9992 Neque Rd.',
44: '245-8811 Ut St.',
45: 'P.O. Box 383, 139 A Ave',
46: '7989 Magna Rd.',
47: '7312 Tristique St.',
48: 'P.O. Box 720, 9179 Fermentum Street',
49: '200-5702 Mollis St.',
50: 'Ap #221-1593 Fringilla St.',
51: 'P.O. Box 133, 5382 Enim Ave',
52: 'Ap #869-5869 Neque Avenue',
53: '2992 Vitae Rd.',
54: '6427 Eros Avenue',
55: 'P.O. Box 133, 6862 Diam Road',
56: 'P.O. Box 679, 7373 Mollis Ave',
57: 'P.O. Box 642, 2289 Volutpat. Street',
58: '221-3908 Pellentesque Av.',
59: '581-1223 Aliquam Rd.',
60: '2398 Lectus, Road',
61: '1274 Nullam St.',
62: '1229 Nisl. Av.',
63: '263-4846 Sed St.',
64: '3247 Parturient Ave',
65: '6138 Faucibus Ave',
66: '865-2066 Vel Rd.',
67: '173-4952 Pede, Avenue',
68: '593 Turpis. Av.',
69: '567-6664 Egestas St.',
70: 'P.O. Box...