Read this post and reply specifically to it by supporting your response by using these references
American Library Association (2008). Code of ethics. to an external site.)
Frostlick, C.M. (2009). The myth of equal access: Bridging the gap with diverse patrons.Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children,7(3), 32-37.
Yoon, K., Hulscher, L., & Dols, R. (2016). Accessibility and diversity in library and information science: inclusive information architecture for library websites.The Library Quarterly,86(2), 213–229. doi: 10.1086/685399
We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests (American Library Association, 2008)”. This the American Library Association’s number one Code of Ethics. We should follow it to the best of our abilities.
Just like people, libraries are diverse. Every library has their own agenda and the funds to do it. Asking a question such as “Should libraries attempt to provide high-level services to all potential users?” is not something every librarian will answer the same. I think that we should constantly do what we can to help a patron in any way our library can. When a patron walks through my door, I instantly begin my high-level service. Is this the same as Boston Public Library or Raymond Town Library? No. Communities are different. I’ve worked in two very different libraries. In Manchester, we had a huge diverse community. In Hooksett, we also have a diverse community. But the two are very different. A library sets up their high-level of service depending on their specific community needs. It’s not about what you know, it’s about knowing how to find it. I’ve sent people out of my library to the neighboring town because we couldn’t help, but I knew where that help could be provided for them. I don’t think this lowered the high-level of service because I didn’t turn them away with nothing but sent them away with information on where they could go for the help. “Diversity is defined as the ability to create and ensure inclusive information access and services for different user groups (Yoon et al., 2016)”. This definition doesn’t specifically say how the information needs to be presented. We do what we can with the resources we have.
“Our primary responsibility is to ensure that today’s youth become tomorrow’s patrons, but it is the youth who are most likely to be denied access by our outdated library policies (Frostlike, 2009)”. With this quote in mind, I think that doing what we can to ensure the happiness of our patron’s is top priority. I think this should be on the list of high-level service. Old policies make it hard for a lot of people. Policies and rules should be looked at constantly to see if they are still pertinent to the current situation. I am a huge fan of eliminating all fines for late materials. I can’t think of a better way to get patrons, old and new, back in the building and online.