Read the scenarios below of individuals who are upset about something that has happened in their life. After reading each scenario, describe how you would treat the individual with either REBT or Beck’s cognitive therapy.
Susan is upset because she got a B in her physics class. She is planning to go to medical school and now thinks that now, with this B, she won’t gain acceptance into any medical school.
Mrs. Lohman had a very busy day and came home a little later than she had planned. Her husband and children will be home in 45 minutes, and they want a hot three-course dinner every night. She knows she doesn’t have time to prepare everything for dinner and is now afraid her husband will be irate with her and be in danger of divorcing her.
Christine was driving home from school when a car ran a stop sign and slammed into her. The front of her car was completely smashed in. The other driver got out, apologized, and took full responsibility. Christine was still extremely upset because she thought her parents were going to be very angry with her and never let her drive again, even though it wasn’t her fault.
Justin and his serious girlfriend just broke up. He is very distraught and can’t find the energy to get out of bed. He has missed 4 days of work so far and hasn’t showered or shaved or even changed his clothes. He loved her too much and believes that he will never find another girl like her again. He is determined to remain alone for the rest of his life.