Read the following code carefully, and then program the same idea using if-else-if ladder. #include int main() { double x,y3; cin >> x >> y; if(xy)cout

Read the following code carefully, and then program the same idea using<br>if-else-if ladder.<br>#include <iostream.h><br>int main()<br>{<br>double x,y3;<br>cin >> x >> y;<br>if(x<y)cout<<y)cout<"x is="" greater="" than="" y";="" return="" 0;="" "/="">
Extracted text: Read the following code carefully, and then program the same idea using if-else-if ladder. #include int main() { double x,y3; cin >> x >> y; if(x<><"x is="" less="" than="" y";="" if(x=""><"x is="" equal="" to="" y";="" if(x="">y)cout<"x is="" greater="" than="" y";="" return="">

Jun 10, 2022

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