Read the following and complete the two tasks below. Solidarity and Peace (Chapter 8 Section 2): Christians are called to peace - “Blessed are the peacemakers for they ill be called children of God.”...

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Read the following and complete the two tasks below. Solidarity and Peace (Chapter 8 Section 2): Christians are called to peace - “Blessed are the peacemakers for they ill be called children of God.” —Matthew 5:9 Peace is not only the absence of war, but is the work of justice achieved through acts of love for all people. Obviously, war is always a defeat for humanity, as stated by Pope John Paul II. Any time war can be avoided it should be, but there are occasions for a just war. The Church teaches these occasions as the Just War Theory: 1. There must be a just cause, legitimate authority, the right intention, a probability of success, the damage inflicted must be outweighed by the good expected, and it must be a last resort when all other peaceful efforts have been exhausted. Peace begins with you, then spreads to families, then to organizations, then to societies, then to the world. It is, however, difficult to attain. Prayer is also a powerful tool in bringing about peace. It calms us, challenges us to greater compassion, and energizes us to work for peace despite setbacks. 1. St. Francis provides us with a beautiful prayer for peace. We should continuously pray for peace throughout the world. Your task is to write your own PRAYER FOR PEACE. It should be written in the format of a prayer, but at least a paragraph long. Discrimination: An Offense against Solidarity (Chapter 8 Section 3): Discrimination denies the basic dignity of the human person, and is an assault against Solidarity. This comes in the forms of prejudice, racism, and scandal (an attitude or behavior that leads another person to sin). We must overcome these sins to truly be in solidarity with others. 2. Read Matthew 5:43-48. What is the message of this passage and how could it apply to reduce discrimination?

Answered Same DayApr 22, 2021

Answer To: Read the following and complete the two tasks below. Solidarity and Peace (Chapter 8 Section 2):...

Taruna answered on Apr 22 2021
149 Votes
Prayer for Peace and Explanation of Matthew 5:43-48 to deal with Issues of Social Biases
The Prayer
Oh Lord, give us the power to carry out your words of unity. We wish to build the structure of peace within the hearts of people. Those who follow peaceful ways of living let their lives be heavenly and guided by you only. Oh god, please guide us to be like Christ, to be like Him means to be your role model in the world; so that anyone who sees us, would explore more and more about you. Please lord, permit us and monitor our actions to be patient with others; let there be no dispute, no sin, no spread of hatred, no word of terror that should lead people to dismay. Oh lord, please bind us all together in peace as one family so that we pray you happily forever.
Oh Lord, Please make us compassionate, lovable, and meek and humble creatures that stand close to the virtuous personality, as guided by you to become. Oh lord, teach us all that is good and related to become peaceful in the world. Oh Lord, enable us to light the pathway of peace to your heavenly kingdom. Let us be kind enough to offer food to hungry, patient enough to forgive the sinner, sincere...

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