Read the following 2 articles about local food. The first article is by Steve Sexton on his argument why local food is actually inefficient for our economy. The second article is by Raz Godelnik in...

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Read the following 2 articles about local food. The first article is by Steve Sexton on his argument why local food is actually inefficient for our economy. The second article is by Raz Godelnik in response to Sexton's argument.

Discussion Questions:

1) Briefly in your own words, explain the main points of Sexton's and Godelnik's argument and conclusion.

2) Consider your Thanksgiving or Christmas meal this past year. What foods were local? What foods depended upon the global supply chain?

3) Based on your reading of the articles and videos on international trade, would you support a law that promotes localization of food source? Why or why not? Make sure to consider all sides of the argument in your explanation.

Answered Same DayMar 09, 2021

Answer To: Read the following 2 articles about local food. The first article is by Steve Sexton on his argument...

Moumita answered on Mar 10 2021
151 Votes
Table of Contents
Answer to Question 1    3
Answer to Question 2    3
Answer to Question 3    
References    4
Answer to Question 1
The aspects of this assignment are to first stress on the importance of the local food by Sexton. First, there is the explanation how the local food can be useful to human beings. After that, the issues by which the climate is related with the production of the local food are taken into view (Bekkers et al., 2017). In the next part, how the economy is gaining benefits and the advantages of the pseudo lava system of farming. In response to that, Godelnik came up with the various disadvantages of the local food. The aspects of the...

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