Read the article from the ABC news to help you answer the following questions about demand and supply.Buddha's hand brings sweet success for growers of exotic citrusBy Jessica Schremmer. Posted 26...

Read the article from the ABC news to help you answer the following questions about demand and supply.Buddha's hand brings sweet success for growers of exotic citrusBy Jessica Schremmer. Posted 26 March 2019

a) Draw a clearly-labelled diagram to help explain what has happened in the market for

Buddha’s hands. Be sure to explain which curve has shifted and why and the likely

impact on price and quantity. (3 marks)

b) Explain why it’s likely true that Mr Buchanan said “there was not a high demand for the

fruit every week” and what impact this has on the shape of the demand curve. (2 marks)

c) Explain what the supply curve is likely to look like compared to other citrus fruits given

that picking is labour-intensive, growing requires management and packing is complex. (2


d) Suppose there was a pest infestation that almost wiped out production of Buddha’s

hands in Australia. Using appropriate diagrams, explain the likely impact on the market

for lemons in Australia. (3 marks)

May 19, 2022

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