Read Chapter 12 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the powers and the functions of Congress. Focus on these Key terms on page 389: bill, casework, gerrymandering, joint committee, pocket veto,...

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Read Chapter 12 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the powers and the functions of Congress. Focus on these Key terms on page 389: bill, casework, gerrymandering, joint committee, pocket veto, president pro tempore. Try to look at the
Congressional Quarterly's
web-site; parts of it are free on a trial basis. Alternatively, look at, which is a Capitol Hill Washington newspaper.


As you read the chapter on Congress, think about its powers. Go back, if you need to, to the Constitution and look at Article I, section 8, which is the enumerated powers of Congress. Then, look at the sub-section of Chapter 12 entitled “Functions of Congress.” Do you see overlap in the powers and functions of Congress? In addition, think about how the President can influence the Congress. Pay close attention to the discussion of the Legislative Process from onward.

Think about the following question: --How does the legislative process differ in the House and the Senate? In which chamber is the process more streamlined? And it which is it more deliberative? Why? Plan to address some of these questions in your Discussion Board posting this week.

Now that you have read Chapter 12, you should understand the basic workings of the Congress. You have also completed the identification items previously noted, and you have thought about the Critical Thinking question. Post your Discussion Board entry by discussing the following question: How does the legislative process differ in the Senate and the House? What if you served in Congress--would you favor the instructed-delegate model or the trustee model of representation? Why?

the answer to this question should be in a separate paragraph: Continue your Blog by examining the powers that the Senate has and that the House does not share. What are some such powers for the Senate? Do you agree with the usual label that the Senate is the upper house and the House is considered the lower one? Why or why not?

Answered Same DayOct 24, 2019

Answer To: Read Chapter 12 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the powers and the functions of Congress. Focus...

David answered on Dec 27 2019
151 Votes
As mentioned in Article 1 Section 1 of the United States Constitution, all the legislative powers that are granted are vested in the control of the congress party belonging to the United States of America. The Congress party consists of a Senate and House of Representative. The two chambers mentioned here are fundamentally equal when it comes to their legislative roles and functions. Each chamber has their own rules and constitutional ability, therefore they both follow different ways of processing their legislation. It is said that when a member of Congress does responds to the President’s...

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