READ CAREFULLY!! The writer of the assignment has to have knowledge in xero accounting software, excel and word.Read ALL the instructions given in the assignment file carefully. The name of the...

READ CAREFULLY!! The writer of the assignment has to have knowledge in xero accounting software, excel and word.Read ALL the instructions given in the assignment file carefully. The name of the company has to be set Klation Micaj 20670116. The writer has to begin by entering all the new accounts of the trial balance, all new inventory items, accounts receviable, accounts payable , and the balances for the trial balance and inventories.ALL REPORTS MUST BE EXPORTED AS A PDF FROM XERO NOT SCREENSHOTTED.Asignment requirements (Please ensure all reports have correct dates)1. A Trial Balance report dated 29th September 2020. This is your ‘unadjusted’ Trial Balance. Use the classic version of the Trial Balance. (4.5 marks)2. A Journal Report for 30th September 2020. An example from Demo Company is shown below. (5 marks) Please note that: you MUST change the date from 30 September 2020 to 30 September 2020 and click onto “Show Posted Manual Journals Only”. Students who submit a Journal report that includes all journals of the whole month of September 2020 may lose 50% of their mark for this deliverable.3. A Profit and Loss (P&L) report for the period 1 September 2020 to 30 September 2020. Make sure that you illustrate the comparison between your September P&L with the previousmonth i.e., August. Use the classic version ofthe Profit and Loss. (0.25 marks)4. A Balance Sheet report as at 30 September 2020. Make sure that you illustrate the comparison between your September Balance Sheet the previous month i.e., August. Use the classic version of the Balance Sheet. (0.25 marks)5. A professionally presented short written business report (maximum 1,500 words) designed for an internal user of the accounting information. Your written report is required to be classified as below. Page 13 of 16Written Report – Financial performance factors (3 marks) Your report explains the financial results and performance of your company in September 2020. You are required to provide two discussion factorsto analyse the financial performance of the company. These can be items taken from either balance sheet or profit and loss that you feel had an impact on the financial performance of the company. You are required to calculate ratios to support your discussion of each factor you have chosen tohighlight. Your report explains how the company managed its inventories during September by providing an appropriate inventory report from Xero. You are required to indicate how many units of inventory is purchased and sold from each type of bicycles during September. How many units of inventories remain on hand from each type of bicycles at month-end, etc? Your report explains how the company managed its Accounts Receivables and Payables during September by providing appropriate reports from Xero. Written report – Benchmarking (3 mark) You are required to compare the company results with that of at least one competitor as well with the average performance of the Bicycle Retailing and Repair Industry in Australia. To compare the company results with a competitor, you require to use the annual reports of the competitor (e.g., Mountain Bike Australia) as your source for benchmarking purposes and compare your company with the competitor using at least two (2) benchmarkingratios. To compare the company results with the average performance of Bicycle Retailing and Repair Industry in Australia refer to the IBISWorld Database. IBISWorld is available through the La Trobe University Library. Through IBISWorld you will be able to investigate the performance of Bicycle Retailing and Repair, investigate the industry operating conditions, industry outlook and compare the performance of your company with that of major players in the Australian market including 99 Bikes, Bicycle Superstore, and Bike Force Australia Pty Ltd. You can get access to the IBISWorld Database through the following link: Page 14 of 16 Written report – Recommendations (2 mark) you are required to provide two recommendations for the business moving forward and include supporting evidence through analysis to justify your recommendations. You are required to be creative and think about both financial and non-financial factors e.g., you can discuss media reports, current global financial climates, international demand, expansions or contractions of departments/product lines, internal factors, risk and liability etc.Written report – Visualisation (1.5 marks) Provide four (4) graphs that visually illustrate the company’s overall financial situation, performance, and inventory management. Include a description for each graph that describes the results or trends. You are required to provide meaningful, effective, easy to read, and wellformatted graphs for use in managerial decision making. To draw graphs, you are required to use the MS Excel skills you gained in this subject. Do not use the ready-to-use graphs provided in Xero.Written report - Format (0.25 marks) You are required to write your report according to the business report format. The following link, taken from Business School of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, should assist you with writing a business report according to the business report format. (0.25 marks) All submissions will be reviewed by a program called “Turnitin” and this will identify instances of plagiarism (copying). This is a very serious offence and can result in you receiving no marks for the assessment task. Please ensure if you have copied information you use quotation marks and appropriate referencing. If you reword someone else’s work, you still need to refer to the author’s in your sentence. For example, Hines(1991) discusses how……. – whilst thisis not a quote you need to reference the idea.
Oct 01, 2021

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