Raw Score ________/100 Weighted Mark _____­/40 Weighted Mark ________/30 BUS105 Task 3 Report Marking Criteria Student(s’) Names: REPORT CRITERIA DESCRIPTION GUIDE ON CONTENT AND FORMAT MARK...

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Raw Score ________/100

Weighted Mark _____­/40

Weighted Mark ________/30

BUS105 Task 3 Report Marking Criteria

Student(s’) Names:




Excellence in written communication skills by presenting an error-free, well written and correctly formatted written report using the guidelines in Summers and Smith (2014) Communication Skills Handbook.

In accordance with Summers and Smith (2014) guidelines including: executive summary, table of contents, formal introduction, conclusion, list of references and appendices. Marks are also allocated for correct format, professional presentation, spelling, grammar and in-text referencing.

-Title Page

Contains a title and all relevant personal identification including word count.

-Executive Summary

A detailed summary of your entire report. Can be up to 1 page in length.

-Table of Contents

Identifies the headings and sub-headings in the report and their respective page numbers


Should include: Purpose and Authorisation, Limitations and Scope


Should re-acquaint the reader to what the report was about and summarise the main ideas of the report.


The report should contain both in text references and a List of References that includes all in text references used. The formatting should be Harvard style.


Appendices should be if there is supplementary information you wish to refer the reader to that helps further support the evidence you have supplied your reader in the body of the report. You are required to include your actual print ad in an Appendix.


(Out of 10)

Accurate identification of a product and discussion of company background, internal and external environments and main target markets including demonstration of a strong knowledge of relevant marketing theory and concepts.


b. -What is the product, who manufactures/delivers the product, and where can it be bought?


d. –What does a SWOT analysis of the company’s marketing environment reveal?


Target Market

g. –Using the segmentation variables, who appears to be the main target markets for this product? Provide summary description of a typical consumer in this market


(Out of 15)

Demonstration of a comprehensive knowledge of marketing mix theory (Product, Price, Promotion and Placement) and concepts and ability to apply that knowledge through a comprehensive and critical and insightful evaluation of the relevant aspects of the product’s marketing.


-Describe the product on three layers (refer to Figure 8.1 p. 245 of the text).

-Discuss the product class and explain why you consider it to be that class (refer to Figure 8.2 p. 247 of the text)

-Identify and explain the product lifecycle stage for the product. Justify your opinion. What are the main implications for marketing? (Refer to figures 8.6 and 8.7 on pp. 265-266).

-Describe the branding of the product - what branding strategy has been used? How effective is the brand name? Justify your opinions.


-What is the price of the product? How does this compare with competitors’ prices? What might differences in price from the competition suggest?

-What type of pricing objective appears to have been set for this product? Justify your opinion. (Refer to Table 10.1 on p. 321 of the text).

-Discuss the concept of price elasticity of demand as it relates to this product. (Refer to Figures 10.5 on p. 328 of the text).).

-Discuss two factors (other than demand) that appear to influence the price for this product.


-Select one print or Internet advertisement (or screen grab) for this product (place a copy in the Appendices). What is the main promotional message? Critically evaluate the type of creative strategy has been used in terms of the advertising appeal used to deliver the message.

-How effective is the print advertisement’s message in terms of applying the hierarchy of effects model (p. 367-370)?

-Discuss the IMC mix used to communicate the product to the target market. What additional promotional elements (along with the print ad) are used and how?

-Discuss how effectively all of the various promotional elements have been used to deliver a consistent and unified message.


-Is the product marketed via direct or indirect channels? What evidence supports their channel strategy? If channel intermediaries are used, what type(s) would they use (Refer to p. 463)?

-What type of distribution strategy is likely used for the product? Justify your answer. (Refer to p.468-470)

-What kind of distribution intensity is used and is it suitable for the product? (Refer to pp. 468-470)

-What type of retail outlet do they place their product? Discuss why they would place their product in those types of outlets. (Refer to pp. 479-484).


(Out of 60)

Creative application of key marketing theory and concepts for articulating two feasible recommendations, one of which focuses on improving a sustainable and/or CSR aspect of the product’s marketing.

Innovative recommendations

The marketing mix should be adapted at each stage of the product lifecycle (Refer to figure 8.7 on page 266 of the text). Having identified the stage of the product lifecycle in the product strategy section, and based on marketing theory and concepts, you are required to make two (2) recommendations
for how innovation and creativity could be used to improve the marketing of the product. Recommendations may be based on any element of the marketing mix (i.e. improving the product, pricing, promotion or placement of the product)

*Note: One of the recommendations must be based on improving a sustainable and/or improving the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the product.
Be sure to justify your recommendations in terms of why you consider they would be effective.


(Out of 15)

Marker’s Feedback



Excellence in written communications skills by presenting an error-free, well written and correctly formatted written report using the guidelines in Summers and Smith (2014) Communication Skills Handbook.

Accurate identification of a product and discussion of company background, internal and external environments and main target markets including demonstration of strong knowledge of relevant marketing theory and concepts.

Demonstration of a comprehensive knowledge of marketing mix theory (Product, Price, Promotion and Placement) and concepts and ability to apply that knowledge through a comprehensive and critical and insightful evaluation of the relevant aspects of the product’s marketing.





Creative application of key marketing theory and concepts for articulating two feasible recommendations, one of which focuses on improving a sustainable and/or CSR aspect of the product’s marketing.

Answered Same DayOct 28, 2019BUS105University of the Sunshine Coast

Answer To: Raw Score ________/100 Weighted Mark _____­/40 Weighted Mark ________/30 BUS105 Task 3 Report...

David answered on Nov 30 2019
159 Votes
A Report on the marketing theory and concepts used with New balances 2017 Fresh Foam Zante v3 marathon joggers
Report prepared for
Australian marketing institute
Prepared by
Luke Houston
University of the Sunshine Coast
September 2017
Tutors name: Bruce Cooper-McKenzie
Word count: 3131
Referencing style: Harvard Referencing
The purpose of this report was to suggest the incorporation of using relevant marketing theories and concepts used in the New Balance 2017 marathon fresh foam Zante v3 marathon joggers within the field of marketing. Information for the report was grouped using academic texts
within the field of marketing. Having a clear and concise understanding of marketing theories and concepts was found to provide a substantial benefit to companies as it allows the company to communicate with their target market which creates an increase in sales and creates an image for the brand and what their beliefs, goals and objectives are to create a successful organisation.
The report includes background of the manufacturing company, its environment, and target group. It explains a comprehensive knowledge of Marketing mix theory and concepts to apply that knowledge in marketing strategy. It demonstrates creative application of marketing theory and concepts to articulate recommendations for improving the services of the Company.
    Headings /Subheadings in report
    Page Number
    1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose & Authorization
1.2 Limitations
1.3 Scope
1.4 Methodology
    2. Background
2.1 New Balance Athletes Inc. (background)
2.2 Manufacture/delivery process; Where the shoe can be purchased
    3. New Balance SWOT Analysis
3.1 Strengths
3.2 Weakness
3.3 Opportunities
3.4 Threat
    4. Assessing New Balance target market
    5. Marketing Mix Theory
5.1 Product
5.2 Price
5.3 Promotion
5.4 Placement
    6. Innovative Recommendations
    7. Conclusion
    8. References
    9. Appendices
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Authorisation
Purpose of the report is to analyse and evaluate the marketing of Zante V3 Marathon Joggers ,to demonstrate related marketing theory and concepts, and to suggest ways to improve CSR/ sustainable aspects of product’s marketing.
This report is authorised by the Marketing institute of Australia. A leading professional community of Marketers84 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000. This report has been compiled to meet the requirements of the Marketing institute of Australia.
1.2 Limitations
This report is limited to the marketing theories and concepts used by New balance and their 2017 marathon fresh foam Zante v3 marathon joggers and how marketers can use these skills to create an effective lead in sales and brand awareness.
1.3 Scope
This report looks at the importance of using marketing theories and concepts when advertising shoes that specialise in running. Theoretical evidence is provided to establish the link between using marketing skills to communicate with stakeholders within an organisation and spread the organisation’s mission. Recommendations are then provided as a suggestion to provide innovative and creative ideas that may progress the organisation throughout the future. Academic sources are used to provide theory and evidence of how marketing can excel the sale rate of an organisations tangible product and create awareness of the processes organisations have to take.
1.4 Methodology
To complete this report, secondary data from academic sources have been researched and a case study of marketers using marketing theories and concepts, has been analysed.
2.0 Background Information
2.1 New balance Athletics, Inc. : Background
The Fresh Foam Zante v3 marathon runners are a new marathon running shoe that has been released in 2017 and is an update from the Zante v1 and v2. The Zante v3 uses a fresh foam insole that is built differently to other midsoles by using data from real life people to achieve the best results from the product. The product is a running shoe that is used for activities such as gym and running with a partner.
New balance Athletics, Inc. is a privately-held company which sells athletic clothing and athletic footwear for a variety of demographics. The company also offers other accessories that include gloves, socks, hats, wristbands, shoe care products and bags. The New Balance Athletic Company strategically markets its products in more than 120 countries across the globe (MarketLine 2017). The product can be bought either online or by visiting the retailer stores of New balance Athletics Company.
2.2 Manufacture/Delivery process and where the shoe can be purchased
In the ‘80’s, the industry was left to drive profit margins and get people to work for cheap labour. New Balance Athletics sat tight during this time and grew from the process. New balance uses a Massachusetts sole manufacturer that’s made in Norridgewock and Boston factories called the 1978. New balance released a made in USA sneaker to celebrate the dedication the brand shows towards using domestic manufacturing (Boardroom Insiders, Inc. 2017).The company also markets and sells products through web portals which include pfflyers.com, Newbalance.com and warrior.com. New balance Athletic, Inc. has its headquarters based in Boston, Massachusetts (MarketLine 2017). (RE-WORDED)
New balance outsources its delivery process, partnering with StarTrack New Balance has a achieved a substantial amount of growth and business is increasingly growing online and offline. Because this growth, New balance decided to spend less time on the logistics of the business and more time proficiently creating products that customers will love. By working with StarTrack, New balance is aware of exactly what it costs to ship an item and can therefore provide a correct budget. The company can also expand without the stress of moving into a larger warehouse (StarTrack 2015).
3.0 New Balance SWOT analysis
3.1 Strengths
· New balance athletic shoe, Inc, has a broad geographical area, which allows the company to implement its strategies to expand its presences further (Canadian company reports, 2013). (RE-WORDED)
· The company already has functioning business operations across six continents marketing their brand in countries such as South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, Germany, United Kingdom, Germany and Canada (Canadian company reports, 2013). (RE-WORDED)
· The company manages distribution...

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