Rationale The major focus of this report is to promote deeper learning skills in third year students. This includes developing critical analysis and questioning of how services are implemented. Deeper...

Rationale The major focus of this report is to promote deeper learning skills in third year students. This includes developing critical analysis and questioning of how services are implemented. Deeper learning also includes the ability to extrapolate, extend and apply principles and theory based on the evidence. A current health management issue will be addressed, which means students have to examine recent international literature and consult with senior managers in the field. Quality of writing skills is also assessed to help improve competency- an essential requirement for future health services managers and/or employees. Task Differentiate between performance appraisal of individuals and performance of the health care system. Identify how health system performance is measured comparing at least three countries with Australian measures. Explain what measures work well/work poorly and why. Make recommendations to address the short comings of measures used. Criteria You will be assessed on the following: • Writing skills. • Understanding of performance management of the health system vs individual appraisal. • Critical analysis of international literature • Vision for future health system performance measurement

Oct 07, 2019

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