Rail Fence Cipher* Objective: Using any language, implement Rail Fence encryption and decryption algorithm. Procedure: 1. Read from the user the plain text. 2. Perform the Caser encryption algorithm...

Rail Fence Cipher*<br>Objective:<br>Using any language, implement Rail Fence encryption and decryption algorithm.<br>Procedure:<br>1. Read from the user the plain text.<br>2. Perform the Caser encryption algorithm and display ciphertext<br>3. Perform the Caser decryption algorithm and display the resulting plaintext<br>

Extracted text: Rail Fence Cipher* Objective: Using any language, implement Rail Fence encryption and decryption algorithm. Procedure: 1. Read from the user the plain text. 2. Perform the Caser encryption algorithm and display ciphertext 3. Perform the Caser decryption algorithm and display the resulting plaintext

Jun 11, 2022

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