R 5: Intermediate knitR with more advanced graphics
Remember to try and make this look like a research paper! Here's where you get your first chance to practice with the papaja library. You'll want this practice for the term paper, therefore papaja and APA compliance are required.
Choose the mpg, cyl. am, and gear variables and do the transformations necessary. Use na.rm to remove NA values on your various knitR projects. As you continue with this assignment, be sure to put text into your document that describes in detail what you're about to have the computer do, then include the R code, followed by the results of the R code.
- Demonstrate
- how many cars have automatic and manual transmissions,
- and demonstrate the proportions of each.
- Create a histogram of cars $mpg with text describing what it is that I'm looking at.
- Then create a histogram of cars $mpg with a density plot overlaid on it.
- Build a boxplot of the data that shows mpg for the groups defined by cyl, and be sure to write a nice description of what it is I'm looking at.
- Finally, go back to the original data.
- Perform correlations between mpg and wt, mpg and disp, and mpg and hp.
- Show the code and results.
- Then write a summary that talks about the meaning of these three correlations.
Before submitting your work:
1. Does this look like a publication ready paper? Did you put in an Abstract? A summary? As it says in the assignment, you are working towards a formal research paper.
2. Did you use the default formatting that knitR and LaTEX provides?
3. Did you export directly to pdf via LaTEX, or was Word somehow involved in your transformation?
4. Did you include properly formatted text (not in the headers, not in the comments) that describes WHAT you intend to do and WHY you intend to do it?
5. Did you use line breaks so your R code doesn't run off the end of the page?
6. Did you control the size of your graphics so you have little or no wasted whitespace?
7. Did you give me the impression that you care about this work, or is it obviously dashed off quickly? While I don't tend to grade by the number of words, if you managed to squeeze into one or two pages what your peers did in 13 pages, you come off as not trying.
8. Did you go that extra mile? Is barely meeting the requirements of the assignment really how you want your grad school career to be judged?
9. Did you close your paper with a summary?
When you are done,
you will create a pdf directly from knitR and papaja without going through Word. You should have a working directory that files are kept in, and you should zip that directory and submit it. You will be graded primarily on the pdf, but the rmd will provide me insight as to what you did if necessary.
2 question
Now we'll integrate more useful graphics into our investigation, form a conclusion, and create our final paper.We will also make the papaja library a requirement, so use papaja to create an APA compliant document, including working references and bibliography. Code should be hidden, graphics should be at the end, after the references. RMD and .bib files should be included.
Start by using the lattice library to do a histogram of the mtcars data we've been working with. Show a histogram of the mileage of each engine based upon the number of cyl in a single plot. Do the same thing for transmission type, number of gears, and weight. Put these all in one row in your paper.
Write some thoughts about the results of these observations.
Now we're going to do some modeling. Instead of doing an aov table of effects, do an aov table of means, modeling mpg and cyl. Do the same thing with mpg and am, mpg and gear, and mpg and weight. Write about these observations.
Finally, let's do a linear model. Write about what you're about to do, then create a linear model for mpg against weight from the original mtcars dataset. Run a coef of the Model and report it out. Explain in your paper what this accomplishes. Then plot the actual mpg data against the linear model you got earlier from the slope and intercept. Play with some of the other useful functions available.
Write a summary of the work you've done, and what you believe these observations demonstrate.
If your work doesn't comply with prior requirements and these notes I will just give you a 0. If you get a 0, read the notes and try again. Keep trying until you get it.
1. You have created a research paper on motor vehicles. Your entire paper, starting with your title, should reflect that. Your title isn't "knitR 3", your Abstract doesn't talk about what knitR is, and your summary doesn't talk about how you used knitR. The paper is about CARS, not knitR. Give me a title that describes what the paper is about. Write an introduction telling me what you are going to do about CARS. The body of the document needs to build the case that your introduction describes. And finally, your Summary section needs to wrap it all up.
2. As a research paper, I'm looking for formal english writing. Use complete sentences in formal English. Start each sentence with a capitalized word, use punctuation, check your spelling, and end with a period.
3. Create something that demonstrates that you actually care about what you're doing. I realize that you were provided the data, formulas, and tools, but the idea is to use these progressively more difficult assignments to practice creating a research paper.
4. Despite the fact that you were provided everything, you should still try to use your imagination. Show me something interesting.
When you are done,
you will create a pdf directly from knitR without going through Word. You should have a working directory that files are kept in, and you should zip that directory and submit it. You will be graded primarily on the pdf, but the rmd will provide me insight as to what you did if necessary. Later assignments will have other files included as well.