Questions are in Excel File. Do not touch anything other than section to answer. Please use the excel sheet to answer questions.
Instructions, Start Here PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANY CELLS ON THIS SHEET! Dear Students, Please read these instructions carefully! It is super important that you follow all the steps below precisely, otherwise something could go wrong in completing the assignments or submitting it in the correct format. This file contains the questions you will answer for this assignment. There is another file accompanying it (MAT210 - A1 - YOUR NAME - YOUR COURSE ID) in which you can provide your answers and submit later. Please open the "MAT210 - A1 - YOUR NAME - YOUR COURSE ID" file and save it with a new name RIGHT NOW, replacing "YOUR NAME" and "YOUR COURSE ID" at the end of the file name with your name and your Course ID from the table below. You each have your unique Course ID and this will stick with you till the end of the course. So if (as an example) my Course ID was 248, I'd save the file name as "MAT210 - A1 - Uma Gunasilan - 248". So here is how things will work for this assignment: - As we go through the course, I will post the related questions under mycourses and will inform you of it in class and via an announcement. These questions will be added under the sheet "List of Questions". - You can already see the first few questions. As I said, I will add the other questions, one after another, as we go on. - To start, go to the "List of Questions" sheet and ENTER YOUR COURSE ID (I've put 248 as an example but you need to change it) at the very top of this sheet as instructed. This will change the numbers in the assignment questions, creating a unique assignment for you! :) - Yes you're right! Each of you are receiving your own set of questions, similar in form to what others have, but different in content and therefore, with different right answers! - To help you further in some occasions, I've created a "Hints" sheet too, in which I will occasionally give you some hints to make tackling the assignments easier for you. - Remember! You need to answer each question separately in the "MAT210 - A1 - YOUR NAME - YOUR COURSE ID" file you created a few minutes ago. I've created the first few empty spaces for you to provide your answers, but as we go on, you can create more spaces (each for one question to come) and include your answers. Please include all the answers to the different questions in one sheet, clearly separated from one another. - Don't submit anything until all the questions are posted (week after week). You'll make one submission, everything together in that excel file, when the time comes (i.e. before the deadline!). - Don't leave these questions for later! Try them right after the relevant sessions. It will deepen your knowledge of the subject and will take less time as well. Best of luck :) Section: MAT210 - LON3 Student NameCourse ID Mario Alla101 Mattia Andrei102 Chris Bailey103 Gianmaria Betta104 Gonzalo Arturo Molina Castillejos105 Alexandre Chartois106 Elizaveta Datsina107 Martin Thomas Dinu108 Sophia Dombret109 Kiamalia Dzhafarova110 Wiktor Dziembaj111 Rakan Walid Tawfiq Fakhouri112 Alante Gardiner113 Viraj Ghosh114 Nicole Van Harten115 Felipe Lucas Hartley116 Rishabh Jain117 Patrick Abboud El Jamal118 Dmitry Kalinin119 Kirolis Khalil120 Jonathan Lipschutz121 Zaydan Yusuf Moti122 Mariem Noueigued123 Nayeli Pineda124 Adria Planes125 Marius Nikolai Rasmussen126 Herta Rexhepi127 Carl Sebastian Urdshals Schack128 Christopher Selte129 Aleksas Slavinkas130 Ali Mohamed Bin Seel131 Anthony Smurfit132 Milda Titouah133 Nicolas Ueberecken134 Sidi El Moctar Waled 135 John David Woodcock136 Harman Hogr Yousef137 Niko Zhordania138 List of Questions ENTER YOUR COURSE ID IN THE BLACK BOX BELOW: Course ID:107 Question 1: (from chapter 2)Question 2: (from chapter 2)Question 3: (from chapter 3) - It builds up on the previous question.Question 4: (from chapter 3)Question 5: (from chapter 4)Question 6: (from chapter 4)Question 7: (from chapter 4)Question 8: (from chapter 5)Question 9: (from chapter 5)Question 10: (from chapter 6)Question 11: (from chapter 7)No more questions will be posted. Your first assignment contains 11 questions in total. The following data represent the pounds per capira of fresh food and packaged food consumed in the United States, Japan, and Russia. (data is not real as it changes per student)One of the major measures of the quality of service provided by an organization is the speed with which the organization responds to customer complaints. A large family-held department store selling furniture and flooring, including carpet, had undergone a major expansion in the past several years. In particular, the flooring department had expanded from 2 installation crews to an installation supervisor, a measurer, and 15 installation crews. A business objective of the company was to reduce the time between when the complaint is received and when it is resolved. During a recent year, the company received 50 complaints concerning carpet installation. The number of days between the receipt of the complain and the resolution of the complaint for the 50 complaints are:One of the major measures of the quality of service provided by an organization is the speed with which the organization responds to customer complaints. A large family-held department store selling furniture and flooring, including carpet, had undergone a major expansion in the past several years. In particular, the flooring department had expanded from 2 installation crews to an installation supervisor, a measurer, and 15 installation crews. A business objective of the company was to reduce the time between when the complaint is received and when it is resolved. During a recent year, the company received 50 complaints concerning carpet installation. The number of days between the receipt of the complain and the resolution of the complaint for the 50 complaints are:You can find the prices in British Pounds of a room at two-star, three-star, and four-star hotles in cities around the world below. Complete the following for the two-star, three-star and four-star hotels separately:The first table below shows the probability of people in a town being Coservative, Socialist or Libreal. The second table shows the percentage of each group voted in the last election. A person from the town is selected at random, and states that she voted at the last election. What us the probability thst she is a Socialist? Hint: use Bayes theorem!Tay-Sachs is a rare fatal genetic disease occuring chiefly in childeren. Suppose that we limit ourselves to families which have (a) exactly three children, and (b) which have both parents carrying the Tay-Sachs disease. For such parrents, each child has independent probability 1/4 (one out of four) of getting the disease. Write X to be the random variable representing the number of children that will have the disease.A volunteer for the Drug & Alcohol Education Center was investigating the attitudes of CSU students towards binge drinking on campus. A simple random sample of 730 students from all four grade levels was taken. Each student was given the statement “Binge drinking of CSU students has become too frequent and dangerous,” and asked whether they strongly agreed, agreed, had no opinion, disagreed, or strongly disagreed. The following contingency table summarizes the results.A random variable X has the distribution B(12,p).A stunt person injures himself an average of three times a year. Use Poisson probability formula to calculate the probability that he will be injured:The major stock market indexes had strong results in one of the past years, with the "mean one-year return" and the "standard deviation of returns" (both in %) described in the table below:An article reported that the stock market in China had a mean return of 3.17% in 2013. Assume that the returns for stocks on the Chinese stock market were distributed normally, with a mean of 3.17 and a standard deviation of 10. If you select an individual stock from this population, what is the probability that it would have a return: (a) Given thatp =0.35 COUNTRYa. Compute the mean, media, first quartile, and third quartile.(i) find P(X<5) a.="" 4="" times="" a="" year="" index="" return="" (%)="" s.d.="" (%)="" fresh="" food="" united="" states="" japan="" russia="" (ii)="" find="" p(x="">=7)S&P50030.120.0 Eggs, nuts and beans9610296b. Compute the range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation.Politial View% of populationPolitical View% voted in last electiona. Show (without using any knowledge you might have about the binomial distribution!) that the probability distribution for X is as follows:1) Complete the contingency table. b. less than twice this year.NASDAQ38.330.0a. less than 0 (i.e., a loss)? Fruit13213496Conservative36Conservative72(b) Given that P(X=0) = 0.05, find the value of p to 3 decimal places.b. between -10 and -20? Meat and seafood205154133c. Interpret the measures of central tendency and variation within the context of this problem.Socialist44Socialist88Grade Strongly Agree Agree Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly DisagreeTotalc. more than three times this year.S&P500 includes 500 stocks of very large companies, and NASDAQ includes 3,200 stocks of small and mediam-sized companies.c. greater than -5? Vegetables202286343Liberal20Liberal44k0123Freshman37119249(c) Given the variance of X is2.42find the possible values of p. 6011411433733158812987803360114114337331588129878033d. Construct a boxplot. Are the data skewed? If so, how?P(X = k)27/6427/649/641/64Sophomore35285928175d. once in the six months.If you selected a random sample of four stocks from this population, what is the probability that the sample would have a mean return: PACKAGED FOODUnited StatesJapanRussia17251321161163567411003732111725132116116356741100373211Junior36323943a. What is the probability that a stock in the S&P500 gained value in this year? Bakery goods11661152181017138353435323172019181017138353435323172019e. Compute the covariance between the average price at two-star and three-star hotels, between two-star and four-star hotels, and between three-star and four-star hotels.(b) Calculate the expected value and the variance for the variable X as defined above.Senior48382214153 Diary products306155135191611331058362842322629191611331058362842322629Total14297225131730b. What is the probability that a stock in the S&P500 gained 10% or more in this year?d. less than 0 (i.e., a loss)? Pasta20402439743974e. between -10 and -20? Processed and frozen19125978f. Compute the coefficient of correlation between the average price at two-star and three-star hotels, between two-star and four-star hotels, and between three-star and four-star hotels.2) What is the marginal probability of those students who have no opinion?c. What is the probability that a stock in the S&P500 lost 20% or more in this year?f. greater than -5? Sauces and dressings718357a. Construct a frequency distribution and a percentage distribution.a. Compute the mean, median, first quartile, and third quartile. Snacks and candy5527323) What is the interpretation of this marginal probability?d. What is the probability that a stock in the S&P500 lost 30% or more in this year?g. Compare your results in parts (d) through (f) to those in (a) through (c) and comment. Soup and canned food852533b. Construct a histogram and a percentage polygon.b. Compute the range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation.g. Which do you think is more valuable in expressing the relationship between the average price of a room at two-star, three-star, and four-star hotels _ the covariance or the coefficient of correlation? Explain. 4) Compute the conditional probability that a student disagreed with the statement given they