Question#3.Write a Python program to reverse a stack using recursion.
Problem Solution Hints:
1. Create a class Stack with instance variable items initialized to an empty list.
2. Define methods push, pop, is_empty and display inside the class Stack.
3. The method push appends data to items.
4. The method pop pops the first element in items.
5. The method is_empty returns True only if items is empty.
6. The method display prints the elements of the stack from top to bottom.
7. Define function insert_at_bottom which takes a stack and a data item as arguments.
8. The function insert_at_bottom adds the data item to the bottom of the stack using
9. Define function reverse_stack which takes a stack as argument.
10. The function reverse_stack reverses the stack using recursion.
11. Create an instance of Stack, push data to it and reverse the stack.