Question M5 As a European Asset Manager one is concerned about possible imminent withdrawal of Central Bank support for asset prices which might result in higher yields on bonds and lower on stock...

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Question M5
As a European Asset Manager one is concerned about possible imminent withdrawal of Central Bank support for asset prices which might result in higher yields on bonds and lower on stock markets during next 3 months.
Consequently the Asset Manager wants to fully hedge his portfolio against all risks.
However, assume he is mandated to remain fully invested at all times so selling securities is not an option.
Current portfolio comprises following positions:

€ 2mlnBTPItalian 10 year on-the-run
€ 5 mlnEuro Interest Rate Swap5 year Fixed Rate Payer
€ 50 mlnGerman Equities
$ 50 mlnUSD Libor Interest Rate deposit with Bank of America1 year

It was suggested to find current data for pricing and obtaining rates at under
data archive.

1: Assume that the Asset Mgr wants to fully hedge the interest rate risk on the bonds by using bond futures and to hedge the equity risk by using index futures.

a: Calculate the appropriate number of bond and equity futures that should be sold.

Assume that the portfolio of German equities has a beta of one to the German DAX index (whereby bond and index future data can be found at

2: a:
Explain the risk of the interest rate swap position and should it be hedged in this scenario?

b: What impact might it have on the rest of the portfolio?

Pls use an example to illustrate.

3: The Asset Manager would like to hedge the receipt of $50mln to be received in 1 years’ time from the maturity of the one year interbank deposit.

a: Using the data of, calculate a one year €/$ forward rate.

b: explain how it could be used to hedge the current risk.

4: The Asset Manager thinks there is some possibility that the currency markets could move in their favour and so ideally would like some degree of participation in any favourable move, whilst being fully protected against adverse moves.

a: Discuss alternative hedging choices by using options (explain these choices).

There are some strategies like strip strap, straddle, strangle, EUR/USD fx option etc. (though it has to be figured which are the correct ones).
Currency option quotes on FX futures can be found at

5: Assume the interest rate swap counterparty is the same bank (Bank of America) to whom the Asset Manager lent $50mln via the USD Libor deposit. The Asset Manager is concerned that a default by the bank could give rise to substantial credit risk.

a: Discuss how derivatives could be used to hedge this risk. Explain and provide examples if possible.

Answered Same DayDec 29, 2021

Answer To: Question M5 As a European Asset Manager one is concerned about possible imminent withdrawal of...

David answered on Dec 29 2021
137 Votes
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Current Portfolio Situation
Current portfolio comprises following positions:
Notional/amount Security Term
€ 2mln BTP Italian 10 year on-t
€ 5 mln Euro Interest Rate Swap 5 year Fixed Rate Payer
€ 50 mln German Equities
$ 50 mln USD Libor Interest Rate
deposit with Bank of
1 year
Part 1
In this case equity futures need to be brought to hedge our portfolio from any kind of
downside. German equities worth $50 million needs to be hedged which can be only done by
selling equity futures worth the same amount at a certain date when portfolio windup will be
made. Hence, the number of equities need will be $50 Million of equity.
Part 2: 5 million Euro will be swapped with LIBOR
If 90-day LIBOR rises to the levels "predicted" by the implied forward rates, what will the
dollar level of the bank's interest receipt be at the end of each quarter during the one-year
loan period?
Rate Interest
1st Quarter 4.60% $ 15,333.33
2nd quarter 4.75% $ 15,833.33
3rd quarter 5% $ 16,666.67
4th quarter 5.30% $ 17,666.67
Why are we hedging?
Hedging is very similar to the condition of the silversmith. The silversmith tries to ensure that
the required volume of silver is trading at a particular price range for ornaments which have
been published in the coming product brochures. However, there can be events, when the
prices of silver either increases or decreases. Then the silversmith has to protects from the
adverse price movements of the commodity i.e. hedged himself, in this case - reduce the extra
cost of the silver to the retailer. Hence, the silversmith hedges his position by taking position
in the futures market and takes a long position in a futures contract for a relevant period of
use at a particular price per piece of commodity.
Part 2: Hedging USD Libor Interest Rate deposit with Bank of America
Strategy: Enter into Forward Rate Agreement at 6 per cent
A forward rate agreement is based totally on future...

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