In a class student grade is evaluated by taking an average of the marks of different courses. Write a java program to find grade of student by calculating the average of the marks using the concept of method overloading based on the following instructions. Save the project/file asGradeYourID.
A) Class name:Marks_YourFirstName
Member variables:studentID, studentName
Member Method:
– Constructor to initialize member variables
– to calculate and return grade with two course marks.
grade = (mark1+ mark2) / 2
– to calculate and return grade with three course marks.
grade = (mark1+ mark2 + mark3) / 3
– to calculate and return grade with four course marks.
grade = (mark1+ mark2 + mark3 + mark4) / 4
B) Controlling class:
– To create object of Marks_YourFirstName
– To print Student ID and Student Name.
– To print grade of the student.