Question: Get a series of numbers from the user. Let the user determine how many numbers to enter. Set an upper and lower limit for the number that will be array size. If the user enters the number as...

Question:   Get a series of numbers from the user. Let the user determine how many numbers to enter. Set an upper and lower limit for the number that will be array size. If the user enters the number as outside that range, ask him to enter the number again, with an error message on the screen until the correct number is entered. Calculate the largest and smallest elements, sum and average of the array created with the numbers entered by the user, using functions. Print the results obtained on the screen. Also get another input from the user. Use a function to calculate how many characters this input has, how many characters are letters, how many characters are numbers and how many characters are other characters. Print the results on the screen.

Jun 10, 2022

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