Question Five: a) Food is more important than roads to the public, yet the government chooses to provide roads for the public and rarely provides food. Given your understanding of public and common...

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  1. Food is more important than roads to the public, yet the government chooses to provide roads for the public and rarely provides food. Given your understanding of public and common goods explain why?

  2. The Fundamental cause of monopoly is barriers to entry. Discuss the main causes of

  3. Discuss various ways in which government policymakers might respond to the problems of monopoly.

Question Five:<br>a) Food is more important than roads to the public, yet the government chooses to provide<br>roads for the public and rarely provides food. Given your understanding of public and<br>common goods explain why?<br>b) The Fundamental cause of monopoly is barriers to entry. Discuss the main causes of<br>Monopoly.<br>c) Discuss various ways in which government policymakers might respond to the problems of<br>monopoly.<br>

Extracted text: Question Five: a) Food is more important than roads to the public, yet the government chooses to provide roads for the public and rarely provides food. Given your understanding of public and common goods explain why? b) The Fundamental cause of monopoly is barriers to entry. Discuss the main causes of Monopoly. c) Discuss various ways in which government policymakers might respond to the problems of monopoly.

Answered 54 days AfterJun 09, 2022

Answer To: Question Five: a) Food is more important than roads to the public, yet the government chooses to...

Komalavalli answered on Aug 03 2022
72 Votes
Public goods are often defined as things that are available to everyone. They differ from commonalities in that they are not always exclusive, but are frequently competitors to some extent. Common sense is demonstrated by the utilisation of wild wildlife for nourishment. People cannot be barred from seizing and using animals in general; but, the same animals cannot be utilized more than once.
In ordinary political speech, "the common good" refers to the physical, cultural, or institutional amenities that members of a community give to all members in order to fulfill their relationship commitment in them Common.
Consider food to be a common good because it is essential for all humans on our planet. Access to natural and artificial food sources should not be limited to those with purchasing capacity. We should move toward a different system that values food in all of its aspects and importance to people, rather than merely as a commodity with a price tag. Food stewardship as a common good should drive this transition, which includes three branches: government initiatives, policies, and regulations; market-based allocation based on supply and demand; and self-regulating collective actions to ensure that food producers and consumers with various forms of food sharing find their place in a more equitable and...

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