* Question Completion Status: QUESTION 7 Choose the correct answer:To applying confidentiality on been authenticated as someone who is allowed to access it. must ensure that access to the information...

* Question Completion Status:<br>QUESTION 7<br>Choose the correct answer:To applying confidentiality on<br>been authenticated as someone who is allowed to access it.<br>must ensure that access to the information is done only once the person has<br>O Host.<br>O Records.<br>O Hardware.<br>O Software.<br>QUESTION 8<br>Choose the correct answer:<br>used to learn from a warehouse that store huge number of data.<br>O Unique Identifiers.<br>O Records.<br>O Fields.<br>O Statistical Algorithms.<br>Click Save and Submit to.saue and submit. Click Save Al Answers to save all answers.<br>

Extracted text: * Question Completion Status: QUESTION 7 Choose the correct answer:To applying confidentiality on been authenticated as someone who is allowed to access it. must ensure that access to the information is done only once the person has O Host. O Records. O Hardware. O Software. QUESTION 8 Choose the correct answer: used to learn from a warehouse that store huge number of data. O Unique Identifiers. O Records. O Fields. O Statistical Algorithms. Click Save and Submit to.saue and submit. Click Save Al Answers to save all answers.

Jun 11, 2022

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