Question A city college would like to maintain their academic information in a MySql database system. The following are the interested information: Courses : Catalog # (M 170 for instance) Credit...


A city college would like to maintain their academic information in a MySql database system.  The following are the interested information:


  • Catalog # (M 170 for instance)

  • Credit Hours;

  • Name of the Course (Database Design Fundamentals for instance)

  • Course Descriptions

  • Prerequisite

  • Components (Lecture, or Laboratory for instance)


  • Class #

  • Class Name (usually the course name, M 170 for instance)

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Meeting time (9:30 am ~ 12:15 pm, for instance)

  • Days in a week (Monday)

  • Term (Spring 2018, for instance)

  • Location (TIE Building for instance)

  • Room (UB 301, for instance)

  • Instructor

  • Online status (online, or in-person)


  • Employee Id (001880301, for instance)

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Title (professor, for instance)

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Office Location (TIE building, for instance)

  • Room (UB303, for instance)


  • Student ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Plan

  • Sub Plan

  • Advisor

  • Current GPA

  • Grade of each course

  • The Term you got the grade for a course.

  • The class number of the grade you got for a course.

The business rules for this City College are:

  • A course can have many class sessions; each class must associate with only one course.

  • A student can take many classes; each class can have many students.

  • A faculty can teach many classes; each class only have one instructor.

  • A faculty can advise many students; each student can only have one specific faculty advisor.

Complete the following tasks:

  1. On MySQL environment, create all the tables

    1. Write your create table statements in the same MS Word document.

    2. Take a screen shot when you created each table on MySQL.

    3. Insert all your screen shots in to the same MS Word document.

Jun 09, 2022

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