Question 4 In colour vision what is the Purkinje shift (dark adaptation)? O A move in colour sensitivity towards the blue end of the visible spectrum in low light conditions O The ability to see...

correct answer for Q5Question 4<br>In colour vision what is the Purkinje shift (dark adaptation)?<br>O A move in colour sensitivity towards the blue end of the visible spectrum in low light conditions<br>O The ability to see colours well at night<br>O A physical shift of the retina to be closer to the lens in low light conditions<br>O The reason we see red light more intensely at night<br>Question 5<br>The advantage of the YCrCb colour model over the RGB representation is that:<br>O It allows more colours to be represented<br>O It takes up less space<br>O It allows animation<br>O It splits intensity from colour information<br>Question 6<br>JPEG makes use of the fact that human vision is very sensitive to small variations in brightness/colour and less sensitive to the strength of high-frequency brightness changes. This means that:<br>O We are good at seeing small colour changes between neighbouring pixels<br>O We can not see high-frequency changes in the image<br>O Low frequency changes appear as edges in the image<br>O High frequency changes appear blurred<br>o o o o<br>

Extracted text: Question 4 In colour vision what is the Purkinje shift (dark adaptation)? O A move in colour sensitivity towards the blue end of the visible spectrum in low light conditions O The ability to see colours well at night O A physical shift of the retina to be closer to the lens in low light conditions O The reason we see red light more intensely at night Question 5 The advantage of the YCrCb colour model over the RGB representation is that: O It allows more colours to be represented O It takes up less space O It allows animation O It splits intensity from colour information Question 6 JPEG makes use of the fact that human vision is very sensitive to small variations in brightness/colour and less sensitive to the strength of high-frequency brightness changes. This means that: O We are good at seeing small colour changes between neighbouring pixels O We can not see high-frequency changes in the image O Low frequency changes appear as edges in the image O High frequency changes appear blurred o o o o

Jun 08, 2022

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