Question 2 , You are required to develop a Java program that implements all the required parts below. 2.1 Create a new Java project using your IDE that will include a Java class called MyRoot. Note:...

Question 2, You are required to develop a Java program that implements all the required parts below.

Create a new Java project using your IDE that will include a Java class called MyRoot. Note: you can use the same name for the project name as well.

Implement a Java method with the identifier “SquareRoot” that takes 1 parameter of type integer and returns a double value that represents the square root of the parameter. Note: you must implement the square root function yourself by using the bisection algorithm as explained in Appendix 1 and you should NOT use any java.lang.Math function.

Implement a Java method with the identifier “CubeRoot” that takes 1 parameter of type integer and returns a double value that represents the cube root of the parameter. Note: you must implement the cube root function yourself by using the bisection algorithm as explained in Appendix 1 and you should NOT use any java.lang.Math function.

Implement a Java method with the identifier “Root” that takes 2 parameters both of type integer. The first parameter will represent the index of the radical (either 2 or 3) and the second parameter can be any number representing the radicand.
The method should check the value of the first parameter and do one of the following actions:
- Find and return the square root of the number sent as the second parameter if the first parameter is 2 by calling the method SquareRoot.
- Find and return the cube root of the number sent as the second parameter if the first parameter is 3 by calling the method CubeRoot.

Implement the main method that will ask the user to provide 2 integers as input. After taking both values you should do the following:
- If the first input value is any number other than 2 or 3 you must provide as output the error message: “Error: you can only calculate square or cube roots”.

Jun 09, 2022

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