Question 2: The following context-free grammar describes part of the syntax of a simple programming language. Non-terminals are given in capitals and terminals in lower case. VAR represents a variable...

Question 2: The following context-free grammar describes part of the syntax of a simple programming language. Non-terminals are given in capitals and terminals in lower case.

VAR represents a variable name and CONST represents a constant. The productions for

ASSN-STMT are not given, as they do not affect the question.

1          PROGRAM     →     Procedure STMT-LIST

2          STMT-LIST     →    STMT STMT-LIST

3                                  | STMT

4          STMT → do VAR = CONST to CONST { STMT-LIST }

5                                 | ASSN-STMT

Q) Create attribute(s) and add semantic functions to the above grammar. Write them beside the productions above.

Jun 09, 2022

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