Question 2 Consider the following nonlinear equation: f (x) = x3 — x2 — 10 cos(x) = 0. (a) Let x0 = 100 and x1 = 50. Calculate x3 using the following Secant scheme: Xn Xn-1 Xn+1 = Xn f (x.) f(xn) — f...

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Question 2 Consider the following nonlinear equation: f (x) = x3 — x2 — 10 cos(x) = 0. (a) Let x0 = 100 and x1 = 50. Calculate x3 using the following Secant scheme:
Xn Xn-1 Xn+1 = Xn f (x.) f(xn) — f (xn_i)'
n= 1, 2, .
(4 marks)
(b) Write a complete Fortran program that: (i) finds a solution using the iteration scheme given in (a) with xo = 100 and xi = 50; (ii) stops when Ix, — xn-ii

(6 marks) (c) Run your program and show the numerical solution to the considered nonlinear equation. (2 marks)
Question 3 Consider the following linear system of equations:
{xi + 2x2 + 3x3 = 14 2x1 + 5x2 + 2x3 = 18 3x1 + x2 + 5x3 = 20
Use LU (Doolittle) factorisation method to solve the above system.
Question 4 Suppose we are given the following values of a function:
sill 0.32 sin 0.34 sin 0.36
0.314567 0.333487 0.352274
(a) Construct a Lagrange polynomial of degree one to approximate sin 0.3367, and show the approximation error. (6 marks) (b) Construct a Lagrange polynomial of degree two to approximate sin 0.3367, and show the approximation error. (6 marks)

Answered Same DayDec 26, 2021

Answer To: Question 2 Consider the following nonlinear equation: f (x) = x3 — x2 — 10 cos(x) = 0. (a) Let x0 =...

David answered on Dec 26 2021
117 Votes
Question 3
Writing the equations in matrix form :
1 2 3 x1 14
5 2 x2 = 18
3 1 5 x3 20
A X = B
Now we need to find 2 matrix L,U such that A = LU
Where L,U are lower and upper diagonal matrix respectively , we find
1 0 0 1 2 3
L = 2 1 0 u = 0 1 -4
3 -5 1 0 0 -24
We can use the following algebra :
AX = B
L Y = B , WHERE Y = UX
Here we will find y first and then we will use y to find x ;
1 0 0
LY = 2 1 0 =
3 -5 1
Y = L-1 B
1 0 0
L-1 = -2 1 0
-13 5 1
We found y = 14
Now y = ux
1 2 3 ...

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