QUESTION 1:Applying Neurobiological Concepts to an Activity of Daily Living For this Assignment, you will recall concepts covered in your chapter readings that are biological in nature. Remember that...

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QUESTION 1:Applying Neurobiological Concepts to an Activity of Daily Living

For this Assignment, you will recall concepts covered in your chapter readings that are biological in nature. Remember that psychology was created by combining physiology with philosophy. In the assignment, you will relate these concepts with an activity that you do on a daily basis.

Complete the Unit 4 Assignment Template (located in Course Documents) answering the following questions:

  1. Describe an activity that you do on a regular basis in your life.

  2. Define action potential and how it can relate to your chosen activity.

  3. Relate the concept of neurotransmitters to your activity and select which neurotransmitters could be involved.

  4. Explain the difference between sensations and perceptions considering how they relate to your chosen activity.

Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be 2-4 pages, not including the Title and Reference pages, and should include the following elements:

  • Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date

  • Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs

  • Reference Page: Sources in APA format

  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced

  • Use APA Formatting and Citation style

    • If you need assistance with APA style, please visit theWriting Center.

QUESTION2:In this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousness. Though appearing as separate processes, these three concepts are experienced in a fluid, continuous experience. By breaking them down and examining them further you can gain more understanding of human thinking and behavior.

  • Consider your career goals and what sensations and perceptions will be most important for you to be productive and successful in your work.

  • Discuss what states of consciousness could impact your work and those around you that impact your work.

  • Describe what Gestalt psychology is about and explain why it does or does not relate to your career goals.

Answered 1 days AfterMar 13, 2021PS124

Answer To: QUESTION 1:Applying Neurobiological Concepts to an Activity of Daily Living For this Assignment, you...

Dr. Vidhya answered on Mar 15 2021
156 Votes
Table of Contents
Question One    3
Question Two    4
References    6
Question One
Hunger is a natural activity, which human beings sense on regular bases. When someone is hungry, the level of glucose in brain falls out i.e. it goes down to the level of minimum. This is the time when neurons become active. At the time of feeling hungry, it is normal to feel that the stomach is grouchy, which pertains to the nutrition requirement of the body (Marlow, Faull, Finnegan & Pattinson, 2019).
This requirement is further transmitted in a vice versa mode; the brain senses that there is deficiency of glucose sends in the message to the abdominal region to transmit signals of hunger. The emotional reactions of people are also linked with the hunger activity; they cannot control their emotions upon seeing the food. Thus, an integrated nervous system quickly comes at work, when humans feel hungry.
On biological grounds, hunger is defined by the shortage of nutrients like proteins etc in the body. There is a consistent process of consuming the nutrients by breaking them into the energy portions (Solianik & Sujeta, 2018). The vital organs of the body run over this energy, which functions in more of a cycle kind. Hunger is under partial control of the part of the brain that is usually known as the hypothalamus.
The blood sugar level and secretion of certain hormones depends greatly upon this feeling. In other words, neurons collect this...

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