Question 1 Figure 1. Question 1 Network. Consider the network available in Figure 1 (above). It is a prebuilt, converged network using EIGRP, which is not covered in this course. You need to complete...

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Question 1 Figure 1. Question 1 Network. Consider the network available in Figure 1 (above). It is a prebuilt, converged network using EIGRP, which is not covered in this course. You need to complete some basic research regarding how this protocol operates. However, you are not expected to submit any form of explanation in any part of your final answer. Your challenge is to create an ACL that will allow the Right PC to ping the Left only if the IP address of the PC is an ‘even’ number. However, if the Right PC IP address is an odd number, it cannot (or should not be able to) ping the Left PC! This is a free form challenge activity, which requires some personal research and exploration beyond the Cisco content. You are expected to present your own solution, this is a model activity designed to extend your understanding of ACL’s. You are free to use whatever valid solution you prefer – so long as you present a reasoned argument regarding its utilisation within your explanation. In your submission you must: 1. Give a short explanation of how you solved this problem (max 200 words) 2. Copies of the ‘command scripts’. Note that the command scripts must be text (copy/paste) not screenshots 3. Succinct evidence that the ACL worked within a router 4. Succinct evidence that the ACL worked on the Right PC
Answered 7 days AfterJun 19, 2021

Answer To: Question 1 Figure 1. Question 1 Network. Consider the network available in Figure 1 (above). It is a...

Guljar answered on Jun 26 2021
139 Votes
Your challenge is to create an ACL that will allow the Right PC to ping the Left only if the IP add
ress of the PC is an ‘even’ number. However, if the Right PC IP address is an odd number, it cannot (or should not be able to) ping the Left PC!
1. Give a short explanation of how you solved this problem (max 200 words)?
I’ve put an access list on Router left e3/0 interface, filtering inbound traffic:
Access-list 101 permit ICMP host (Left PC)
Interface Ethernet3/0
IP access-group 101 out
So what’s happening here? Well, let’s write the IP address out in binary (in green), and then write the wildcard mask out in binary underneath it (in blue):
00001010.00000001.00000001. 00000000
When we compare an IP address against a Cisco wildcard, we’re saying that if a bit in the wildcard mask is a 0, then the equivalent bit in the IP address has to stay the same. But if the bit in the wildcard mask is a 1, then we don’t care about the equivalent bit in the IP address.

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