Question 1: (DATABASE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) Maya Media publishes a daily newspaper and would like an application to be developed to maintain information about subscribers and subscriptions. Maya...

Question 1:<br>(DATABASE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT)<br>Maya Media publishes a daily newspaper and would like an application to be<br>developed to maintain information about subscribers and subscriptions. Maya Media<br>has 3 different branches that have to access the information. Each subscriber is<br>uniquely identified by a subscriber number and is also characterized by name, postal<br>address, email and phone number. Each subscription is uniquely identified by a<br>subscription number and is also characterized by subscription type (Daily or Sunday<br>only), price, start date, and expiration date. The price paid for a subscription is input<br>when the subscription is sold, since it may vary due to special offers or situations.<br>Expired subscriptions and former subscribers that no longer have a current<br>subscription shall be deleted from the database. The example report below shows the<br>subscriptions belonging to subscriber number 21567. Date printed is not stored in the<br>database.<br>Name: Anita Hashim<br>Date Printed: 06/08/2007<br>Address:<br>Email:<br>Telephone:<br>15 Jalan Darat, Kajang, 43640<br>Selangor<br>03-85432163<br>Subscriber#: 21567<br>Subscription#<br>Туре<br>Price<br>Start<br>End<br>144134<br>RM52.00<br>01/01/2006<br>31/12/2006<br>145234<br>D<br>RM95.00<br>01/01/2007<br>30/06/2007<br>145876<br>D<br>RM80.00<br>01/07/2007<br>31/12/2007<br>Figure 1: Subscription report<br>a) Maya Media owner plans to build a Java program which uses an input file for storing<br>the subscription records. Explain to Maya Media about the disadvantages of the<br>traditional file system approach if the three branches need to share information.<br>Clarify the advantages of a database approach with regards to the matter.<br>b) Represent the requirements as displayed in Figure 1 using an Entity-Relationship<br>diagram (ERD). Add any two new attributes suitable to enhance the subscription<br>information.<br>c) Transform the ERD produced from question b into relational model form.<br>d) Explain the impact of the following statement to your database design.

Extracted text: Question 1: (DATABASE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) Maya Media publishes a daily newspaper and would like an application to be developed to maintain information about subscribers and subscriptions. Maya Media has 3 different branches that have to access the information. Each subscriber is uniquely identified by a subscriber number and is also characterized by name, postal address, email and phone number. Each subscription is uniquely identified by a subscription number and is also characterized by subscription type (Daily or Sunday only), price, start date, and expiration date. The price paid for a subscription is input when the subscription is sold, since it may vary due to special offers or situations. Expired subscriptions and former subscribers that no longer have a current subscription shall be deleted from the database. The example report below shows the subscriptions belonging to subscriber number 21567. Date printed is not stored in the database. Name: Anita Hashim Date Printed: 06/08/2007 Address: Email: Telephone: 15 Jalan Darat, Kajang, 43640 [email protected] Selangor 03-85432163 Subscriber#: 21567 Subscription# Туре Price Start End 144134 RM52.00 01/01/2006 31/12/2006 145234 D RM95.00 01/01/2007 30/06/2007 145876 D RM80.00 01/07/2007 31/12/2007 Figure 1: Subscription report a) Maya Media owner plans to build a Java program which uses an input file for storing the subscription records. Explain to Maya Media about the disadvantages of the traditional file system approach if the three branches need to share information. Clarify the advantages of a database approach with regards to the matter. b) Represent the requirements as displayed in Figure 1 using an Entity-Relationship diagram (ERD). Add any two new attributes suitable to enhance the subscription information. c) Transform the ERD produced from question b into relational model form. d) Explain the impact of the following statement to your database design. "Expired subscriptions and former subscribers that no longer have a current subscription remain in the database." Draw the new ERD which represent this statement and determine the mapping into relational model. e) Does normalization need to be performed on your database design? Explain your answer.
Jun 10, 2022

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